Psychology 220 Final Project – Identify a real life problem
Psychology 220 Final Project – Identify a real life problem
Subject: Psychology / General Psychology
Psyc 220 Final Project
Description and Grading rubric
PSYC 220 Assignment: Group Project
Assignment: Group Project (Group Project Analysis On: ________)
Objective of Exercise:
Identify a real life problem involving people working in teams or
groups and a motivation problem that exists in this team or group. This should be a
realistic problem that needs a solution. You are welcome to speak with managers,
colleagues, subordinates, associates, etc., to help identify this problem.
Due Date: Module 9
This is done in "Executive Summary Briefing Format" in landscape, in PowerPoint. Check
the Course Specific Resources folder in Resources for an example template for the
PowerPoint presentation.
Keep the scope of the problem narrow and focused, so that you will not be overwhelmed
by the problem. Narrowing the scope will also make the problem easier to describe and
Define the problem as narrowly as possible. Write this definition down. Make sure you
review your problem definition and refine it until you are satisfied with it.
Construct a plan for solving it. Answer the items below to complete your analysis.
Cite 3 to 5 sources; at least two should come from the ERAU Library.
• Page one of your project should be the Problem Definition.
Page two describes the Background of the Problem (how it developed).
On the next few pages analyze the current problem. This is not a repeat of the history
of the problem. Describe what are the Motivations at Work in this Problem (causes of
the behaviors or symptoms that you described above).
The next page lists the Desired Outcomes if the problem could be fixed.
The next couple of pages demonstrate the Action Plans Based on Motivation or
Leadership Theory your group would take to solve the problem and achieve the
desired outcomes you explained above. For each action show the theory of motivation
or leadership that you believe underpins the action that you suggest and briefly
explain why this action will work. Include a page of References showing the theories of motivation or leadership that you
have used in your action plan. Content and Development
Possible Score: 50 Score
Possible The presentation identifies a real life
problem involving people working in teams
or groups AND a motivation problem exists
in the team/group. 10 A Plan for solving the problem is presented. 10 Major points are stated clearly; are
supported by specific details, examples, or
analysis; and are organized logically. 10 The introduction provides sufficient
background on the topic and previews major
points. The conclusion is logical, flows from
the body of the presentation, and reviews
the major points. 10 The presentation includes a page of
References showing the theories of
motivation or leadership used in the action
plan. 10 Readability and Style
Possible Score: 25
3-5 sources should be cited in the
presentation. At least two should come from
the ERAU Library.
The presentation is written in landscape and
uses PowerPoint style to communicate in an
efficient and effective manner, as if you were
writing to an executive. Score
Possible Score
Earned Comments Score
Earned Comments Score
Earned Comments 5 5 The tone is appropriate to the content and
Speaker Notes are included. Sentences in
the Speaker Notes are complete, clear, and
concise. 10 Slide transitions are logical. 5 Mechanics
Possible Score: 25 Score
Possible The presentation includes a title slide and
reference page. 5 Citations of original works within the body of
the presentation follow APA guidelines. 5 The presentation is laid out with effective
use of headings, font styles, and white
space. 5 Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
are followed. 5 Spelling is correct. 5
100 Total Score
Date Due and Date Submitted Submitted on Time?
Yes- Full Credit Adjusted Score
Final Grade Comments:
The Final Project Executive Summary on which you’ve been working with your assigned group members in private discussion forums since Module/Week 3 is due this week. As a group, you narrowly defined a realistic problem involving people working in teams or groups AND a motivation problem that exists in this team or group, construct a plan for solving it, and prepare an Executive Summary in briefing format as a PowerPoint presentation to include the following:
– Problem Definition;
– Background of the Problem (how it developed);
– Analysis of the current problem (Do not a repeat the history of the problem. Rather, describe the Motivations at work in this problem, i.e. the causes of the behaviors or symptoms that you described above.);
– Desired Outcomes (if the problem could indeed be fixed);
– Action Plans Based on Motivation or Leadership Theory your group would take to solve the problem and achieve the desired outcomes you explained above (For each action, show the theory of motivation or leadership that you believe underpins the action that you suggest and briefly explain why this action will work.); and
– References showing the theories of motivation or leadership that you have used in your action plan.