Physics – Lab Assignment: Electromagnetic Induction Laboratory:
Subject: Physics   / General Physics
Lab Assignment: Electromagnetic Induction Laboratory: (submit in word document as stated below.)
This lab will demonstrate some of the principles of electromagnetic induction. As you have learned, when a magnetic field is placed near a conductor, it induces a current. In this lab, you will study how this phenomenon occurs.
First, design an experiment you could construct that might allow you to study electromagnetic induction.
What materials would you use?
What would you measure?
What results would you expect?
What if the results were different; what would that indicate?
Write down your answers; this information will be part of your lab write-up that you submit to your teacher.
Developing a Hypothesis:
When an electromagnet is placed near a loop of wire, it induces a current.
Create hypotheses of what you think the results of this experiment will be.
What conditions are required to induce a current in a loop of wire?
What factors influence the direction and magnitude of the induced current?
Defend your hypotheses with your knowledge of magnetic fields and electromagnetic induction. Your answers will be part of your lab write-up that you submit to your teacher.
Detect an induced current using a voltage meter.
Summarize the relationship between the magnetic field of a magnet and the current induced in a conductor.
Evaluate what factors affect the direction and magnitude of an induced current.
Read the entire lab procedure and plan the steps you will take.
You can find the virtual lab by”>clicking here.
On the left side of the screen scroll down and click Physics then click the Electricity, Magnets & Circuits link.
Click the virtual lab called “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” Click Run Now and it should automatically download and open on your computer.
Prepare an observation table.
You can use either a spreadsheet program and make sure that the cells can expand to record your observations, or you can use a table in a word processing document.
You need two wide columns. Label the columns Experiment and Observation. For each part of the lab, you will write a brief description of what you do in each step under Experiment. In the Observation column, record your observations.
Induction with a Permanent Magnet
Click the Pickup Coil tab. The experimental setup is shown below.
In the middle of the right side of the screen, click the voltage meter to switch the indicator on the coils from a light bulb to a voltage meter. Also, click the button that displays all charges.
Click and drag the coil over the north pole of the magnet. Observe the voltage meter and the green dots that represent electrons in the coil.
Repeat moving the coil more slowly. Observe the voltage meter. Record your observations in your observation table.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4, moving the coil over the south pole of the magnet. Observe the voltage meter.
Now, click on the magnet. Quickly move the north pole of the magnet in and out of the coil. Repeat slowly. Move the magnet to the other side of the coil and repeat this step using the south pole. Observe the meter.
Induction with an Electromagnet
Click the Transformer tab. The experimental setup is shown below.
In the middle of the right side of the screen, click the voltage meter to switch the indicator on the coils from a light bulb to a voltage meter. Also, click the button that displays all charges.
Move the smaller coil inside the larger coil. Observe the voltmeter and the green dots that represent electrons in the larger coil. Record your observations in your observation table.
Decrease the current in the smaller coil by moving the slider on the battery to the left until it reads 5 V. Repeat Step 3.
Reverse the current in the smaller coil by moving the slider on the battery all the way to the left. Repeat Step 3.
Replace the DC battery with AC power supply by clicking the AC button in the Current Source box on the top right side of the screen. Repeat Step 3.
Increase the magnitude of the power supply by moving the slider on the left side of the power supply up. Repeat Step 3.
Describing Events: Based on your observations from the first part of the lab, did the speed of the motion have any effect on the galvanometer?
Explaining Events: In the first part of the lab, did it make any difference whether the coil or the magnet moved?
Drawing Conclusions: Explain what the voltage meter readings revealed to you about the magnet and the wire coil.
Drawing Conclusions: Based on your observations, what conditions are required to induce a current in a circuit?
Drawing Conclusions: Based on your observations, what factors influence the direction and magnitude of the induced current?
The lab report that you submit to your teacher should include:
A document file (RTF) containing:
Your experimental design idea and answers to the initial questions
Your hypothesis about this experiment supported with physics concepts
Your observation table from your experiments
Answers to the analysis and conclusions from this experiment
Copy the following information into your document
Your observation table from your word processing program or your spreadsheet program
Refer to the Guidelines for the Laboratory section in the orientation for directions on how to submit your assignment to your instructor.