HIST 1302 – After World War II, the only nation

HIST 1302 – After World War II, the only nation

HIST 1302 – After World War II, the only nation

Subject: History / General History
1. After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was:

a. the Soviet Union.

b. Germany.

c. Japan.

d. Great Britain.

e. France.

2. All of the following were new innovations of the 1950s that helped to transform Americans daily lives EXCEPT:

a. jet air travel.

b. radio.

c. television.

d. air conditioning.

e. automatic dishwasher.

3. The sit- in at Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960:

a. reflected mounting frustration at the slow pace of racial change.

b. was the last of a series of violent agitations for civil rights in 1960.

c. had no real effect on the momentum of the civil rights movement.

d. was largely organized by members of Martin Luther King Jr.’s SCLC.

e. illustrated how civil rights activists embraced the violent messages of Malcolm X.

4. Black Power emerged as a response to all of the following factors EXCEPT:

a. frustrations over the federal government’s failure to stop violence against civil rights workers.

b. white workers’ attempts to determine the civil rights movement’s strategy.

c. the civil rights movement’s failure to have any impact on the economic problems of black ghettos.

d. the growing ideas of racial self- assertion and black self- determination.

e. the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

5. The 1960 presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon:

a. was broadcast only on the radio.

b. allowed Nixon to demonstrate his best qualities, thus winning the debate.

c. showed Kennedy to be an ineffective speaker, and thus he lost.

d. highlighted the impact of television on political campaigns.

e. was little noticed at the time.

6. The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement:

a. was quite limited at the time.

b. was beneficial because the Urban League accepted communists into its ranks.

c. included government action against black leaders.

d. caused the NAACP to enlist the aid of the Soviets.

e. brought wider support for civil rights from southern Democrats who wanted to fight communism.

7. The “Iron Curtain”:

a. separated the free West from the communist East.

b. divided East and West Germany.

c. separated the United States from the Soviet Union.

d. separated Japan from the rest of Asia.

e. divided North and South Korea.

8. After World War II, the automobile:

a. declined in use, and the Midwest suffered economically.

b. became a status symbol only for the wealthy.

c. remained a luxury, not a necessity of life.

d. altered the American landscape.

e. was replaced by the train as the preferred method of transportation.

9. James Meredith is best known as the:

a. organizer of the Freedom Rides.

b. black person who refused to give up his seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

c. first black student admitted into the University of Mississippi.

d. first black congressman elected since Reconstruction.

e. organizer of the Poor People’s Campaign.

10. Malcolm X:

a. supported integration efforts.

b. worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

c. insisted that blacks have economic and political autonomy.

d. felt that the Black Power movement went too far.

e. was inspired by the efforts of Booker T. Washington.

11. In response to the court- ordered desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas:

a. violence broke out, but President Eisenhower refused to send federal troops.

b. violence broke out, and President Eisenhower sent in federal troops.

c. high schools across the South became desegregated immediately.

d. Governor Orval Faubus used the National Guard to protect the black students from angry whites.

e. Governor Orval Faubus requested that federal troops be sent into Little Rock to end the violence.

12. The McCarran- Walter Act:

a. removed immigration quotas based on nationality.

b. made immigration law much more flexible for Asians and Latinos.

c. recognized the need for political asylum for refugees from South Africa.

d. authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.

e. was supported by President Truman.

13. The Truman Doctrine:

a. advocated a return to isolationism.

b. was an alliance between the United States and Great Britain.

c. called for more cordial relations with the Soviet Union.

d. committed the United States to fighting communism only in Asia.

e. committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere.

14. During the postwar suburban boom, African- Americans:

a. experienced little, if any, discrimination, especially in the North.

b. were encouraged to move into communities like Levittown, New York.

c. were discriminated against only in the South.

d. received special treatment if they were veterans.

e. were often unable to receive financing for housing.

15. In 1963 during the Birmingham civil rights demonstrations, firemen:

a. assaulted young demonstrators with high- pressure hoses.

b. kept the peace with their tanker trucks as blockades.

c. served as extra drivers for the police taking demonstrators to jail.

d. extinguished fi res set by Ku Klux Klan members.

e. served as moderators between Martin Luther King Jr.’s SCLC and Birmingham’s businessmen.

16. The 1965 Voting Rights Act:

a. banned discrimination at national party conventions.

b. empowered local officials to supervise voter registration.

c. empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration.

d. was vetoed by President Johnson.

e. was proposed but never passed by Congress.

17. In 1954, the Supreme Court case known as Brown v. Board of Education:

a. declared lynching unconstitutional.

b. found that segregation in bus stations was unlawful

c. extended the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling to include schools.

d. found that separate- but- equal was unconstitutional.

e. found that separate- but- equal was constitutional

18. Joe McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the:

a. State Department.

b. Department of the Interior.

c. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

d. AFL- CIO.

e. Central Intelligence Agency.

19. The Marshall Plan:

a. provided economic assistance to the Soviets.

b. was a U.S.- Soviet program to rebuild Europe.

c. offered economic assistance to noncommunist governments.

d. was limited in scope and focused on West Germany.

e. was largely unsuccessful for lack of support from Congress

20. During the Cold War, religious differences:

a. created much division among Americans.

b. were heightened by the growth of the suburbs.

c. were not a factor, as church and synagogue membership declined.

d. were intensified through the institution of school prayer.

e. were absorbed within the notion of a common Judeo- Christian heritage.

21. The 1963 March on Washington:

a. included various female speakers.

b. included speeches with militant language.

c. focused solely on economic justice.

d. focused solely on a languishing civil rights bill.

e. was a high point in black and white cooperation.

22. The 1964 Civil Rights Act did not:

a. prohibit racial discrimination in employment.

b. ban discrimination on the grounds of sex.

c. ban discriminatory laws that prevented suffrage.

d. prohibit racial discrimination in privately owned public accommodations.

e. prohibit racial discrimination in institutions like hospitals and schools.

23. As a result of the Montgomery boycott in 1955– 1956:

a. blacks won the right to attend the school of their choice.

b. the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation was legal.

c. the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public transportation was illegal.

d. African- American women became less involved in the civil rights movement.

e. Rosa Parks was sent to jail for over a year.

24. The Taft- Hartley Act:

a. outlawed the closed shop.

b. legalized sympathy strikes.

c. strengthened the rights of organized labor.

d. banned right- to- work laws.

e. was supported by President Truman.

25. Which statement is true about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

a. It was established in 1945, immediately after the war.

b. The members refused to let West Germany join.

c. The Soviet Union had tried in vain to be a member of NATO.

d. This was one of many long- term military alliances between the United States and Europe.

e. All the members pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

26. Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed which kind of individuals to his cabinet?

a. The “best and brightest,” young intellectuals in their fields.

b. Former government men who had lots of combined political experience.

c. Wealthy businessmen to run the government like an efficient business.

d. A balanced mixture of Republicans and Democrats, since his party did not control Congress.

e. Weak men with little experience so that he could have complete control over domestic and foreign affairs.

27. To combat communism, one of John Kennedy’s first acts was to:

a. call for a summit meeting between the two superpowers.

b. increase military spending on ballistic missiles.

c. suggest a ban on nuclear weapons.

d. deploy combat troops to Vietnam.

e. establish the Peace Corps

28. In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which:

a. prohibited both racial and sexual discrimination in employment and public institutions.

b. prohibited racial discrimination in private organizations.

c. prohibited only sexual discrimination in the armed forces.

d. was passed over President Johnson’s veto.

e. had the full support of Congress.

29. The Montgomery Bus Boycott:

a. was sparked when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat up to a white man.

b. did not succeed in desegregating the public buses.

c. propelled Thurgood Marshall into the national spotlight as a leader in the civil rights movement.

d. marked the end of the civil rights movement.

e. lasted less than two weeks.

30. President Truman’s Fair Deal included:

a. aid to the Soviets.

b. a plan to dismantle Social Security.

c. a decrease in the minimum wage.

d. a national health insurance plan.

e. the continuation of rationing.

Short Response Questions:

1. Analyze the policy of containment. How did the United States enact this policy?

2. Discuss the changes in the American economy during the postwar period. Be sure to discuss the agricultural, industrial, and consumer sectors of the economy.

3. The civil rights movement gained momentum in the 1950s, nearly ninety years after Reconstruction. Explain why the movement finally took off in the 1950s. What caused it to do so?

4. During the 1960s, the United States had become a more open, more tolerant— in a word, freer— country. Defend or refute that statement.

5. How did John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy agenda envision new initiatives aimed at countering communist influence in the world? How successful was Kennedy’s

foreign policy?

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