Data Structure
Data Structure
HW-1.docxProgram #6 on page 613.Rewrite one of your hash tables so that it has additional methods to provide statistics. You should include methods to calculate the load factor, the average number of items examined during a successful search, and the maximum number of items examined during a successful search. Find a large collection of information to put your hash table, perhaps the list of users at your computing site. Test how statistics vary based on the capacity of the hash table.Wk13 - Hashing Program #6 on page 613 with the following modifications. Be sure to print statistics when creating and before resizing and when everything is added. Be sure to set your initial hash size smaller than your data set so you can test your rehash method. Amazon has a bunch of possible data sets for this assignment although I don't know what format they're in.•Write your own hash class using the book as your guide. You'll at least need... ?Constructor that lets you set load value ?Private hash method ?Add/remove methods ?Private rehash method •Find a large set of data to read into your hash •Additional methods to write ?Private method to resize and rehash the hash when it exceeds its load File: from the package edu.colorado.collections// This is an assignment for students to complete after reading Chapter 11 of// "Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java" by Michael Main.package edu.colorado.collections;/******************************************************************************* A ChainedTable is a chained hash table.* The implementation isn't given here since it is an assignment in a typical* data structures class. In general,* programs should use java.util.HashTable* rather than this ChainedTable.**
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