When an organism’s DNA is permanently altered, we say that it
Subject: Biology / General Biology
Part 1 of 8 – 16.65/ 16.65 Points
Question 1 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
When an organism’s DNA is permanently altered, we say that it
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Question 2 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following levels of organization is not included within the level of organism?
E.Organ system
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Question 3 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
The main purpose of the queen fire ant is to
A.find food.
B.produce eggs.
C.defend food.
D.produce food.
E.defend the eggs.
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Question 4 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
A.belong to the domain Archaea
B.are classified as protists
C.are prokaryotes.
D.are descended from apes.
E.share a common ancestor with apes.
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Question 5 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
The unity and diversity of living organisms on our planet can best be explained by which of the following processes?
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Part 2 of 8 – 13.32/ 16.65 Points
Question 6 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
A student wants to study the process of protein synthesis. What cell structure should he focus on?
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Question 7 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
What is the function of transport vesicles inside a cell?
A. move proteins between the nucleus and the endoplasmic reticulum
B.move proteins between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus
C.move proteins between the SER and the RER
D.move proteins between the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus
E. move proteins between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell membrane
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Question 8 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Where are lysosomes produced?
B. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C.Golgi apparatus
D.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Feedback:Lysosomes are vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus.
Question 9 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which cytoskeletal structures on the lining of the respiratory tract are needed to sweep dust and debris away?
A.Intermediate filaments
E.Actin filaments
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Question 10 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Animal cell and its organelles.apus.edu/access/content/group/science-and-technology-common/Biological%20Sciences/Course%20Materials/SCIN130/Images/Lab%20Quiz%20Images/Cell%20-%20For%20Labeling.jpg”>
What is the cell structure marked “E” on the animal cell diagram?
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Part 3 of 8 – 16.65/ 16.65 Points
Question 11 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following was a geologist who wrote The Principles of Geology, a very important book in helping Darwin shape the theory of natural selection?
A. Cuvier
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Question 12 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
If two adjacent populations of the same species show gene flow, then the two populations will ?
A. become isolated from each other.
B.adapt to different conditions and become separate.
C.become more similar in their gene pools.
D.develop into different species.
E.develop into a species and a sub-species.
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Question 13 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Besides mutation, which of the following is important in generating phenotypic differences?
A.Gene flow
B.Stabilizing selection
D.Genetic drift
E. Sexual reproduction
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Question 14 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
When one group of organisms gives rise to several other groups of organisms, the original group is referred to as
A.a transitional ancestor.
B.an analogous ancestor.
C. a homologous ancestor.
D. a common ancestor.
E. a vestigial ancestor.
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Question 15 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which line of evidence was not considered by Darwin as he developed his theory of natural selection?
A.The fossil record
C.Comparative biochemistry
D.Comparative anatomy
E.Comparative embryology
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Part 4 of 8 – 9.99/ 16.65 Points
Question 16 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
When two species live in the same area but are active at different times of the day or year it is referred to as
A.behavioral isolation.
B.temporal isolation.
C.mechanical isolation.
D.genetic isolation.
E.habitat isolation.
Feedback:Several related species can live in the same locale, but if each reproduces at a different time, they do not attempt to mate.
Question 17 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following types of organisms would be found in unusually great numbers in the Burgess Shale?
A.Soft-bodied invertebrates
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Question 18 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
In some rare cases, mules are fertile, but their offspring are infertile. This is an example of reproductive isolation due to
A.mechanical isolation.
B.temporal isolation.
C.F2 fitness.
D.hybrid sterility.
E.zygote mortality.
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Question 19 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which statement about trends in the evolution of the modern horse is false?
A.Trends in horse evolution were oriented toward the goal of producing the modern horse.
B.Overall body size increased.
C.The toes were reduced.
D.Teeth became altered in shape.
E.Teeth became altered in size.
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Question 20 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Reproductive barriers of various avian species.apus.edu/access/content/group/science-and-technology-common/Biological%20Sciences/Course%20Materials/SCIN130/Images/reproductive-barriers-small.jpg”>
This figure shows various reproductive barriers which prevent the interbreeding of different species. What does “c” represent?
A.Postzygotic isolation mechanisms
B.Prezygotic isolation mechanisms
C.Hybrid sterility
D.Gamete isolation
E.Temporal isolation
Feedback:In temporal isolation, species reproduce at different seasons or different times of day.
Part 5 of 8 – 3.33/ 6.66 Points
Question 21 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a dependent variable?
A.Its values are known when the experiment is designed.
B.It is in response to the independent variable.
C.It is a measurable outcome.
Feedback:Refer to the lab simulation for details.
Question 22 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
The independent variable in the experiment that is designed to test the effect of ECB on corn yields is:
A.The frequency the plants were watered
B.The level of ECB infestation
C.The amount of nutrients in the soil
D.The light conditions
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Part 6 of 8 – 9.99/ 9.99 Points
Question 23 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following are true statements about BT-corn?
A.It can result in smaller yields of corn seed.
B.In all cases it has been found safe for human consumption.
C.ECB cannot become resistant to it.
D.It can lead to the death of ECB larvae.
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Question 24 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a mechanism by which the ECB larva causes damage to the corn plant?
A.They chew off the tassels of the plant.
B.They eat leaves.
C.They bore into the midribs of the leaves.
D.They eat their way into stalks.
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Question 25 of 30
3.33/ 3.33 Points
The damage the ECB causes in the corn plant leads to which of the following outcomes?
A.Lower yields of corn kernels
B.Larger sized ears
C.Greater production of pollen
D.More roots per plant
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Part 7 of 8 – 0.0/ 9.99 Points
Question 26 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Which corn type showed the lowest yield under high infestations of ECB?
A.BT 123
B.Super Harvest non-BT
C.BT 456
D.Golden Crop non-BT
Feedback:Super Harvest’s yield was 128.17 grams at high levels of infestation, the lowest yield of all four types of seed varieties.
Question 27 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Graph of average yields under three levels of infestation.apus.edu/access/content/group/science-and-technology-common/Biological%20Sciences/Course%20Materials/SCIN130/Images/Lab%20Quiz%20Images/Infestation%20Yield%20Graph.jpg”>
Above is a graph of the average yield for “none”,” low” and “high” infestations for the four corn types.
Reading from the graph, which corn type showed the fastest rate in reduction of yield from the “low” infestation to the “high” infestation?
A.Golden Crop non-BT
B.BT 123
C.BT 456
D.Super Harvest non-BT
Feedback:The Golden Crop had the steepest “drop” in its graph from low to high infestation.
Question 28 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Graph of average yields under three levels of infestation.apus.edu/access/content/group/science-and-technology-common/Biological%20Sciences/Course%20Materials/SCIN130/Images/Lab%20Quiz%20Images/Infestation%20Yield%20Graph.jpg”>
Above is a graph of the average yield for “none”,” low” and “high” infestations for the four corn types.
Rank the four types of corn from the type that was most affected by high infestations of ECB to the one that was least affected.
A.Golden Crop non-BT, Super Harvest non-BT, BT 456, BT 123
B.BT 123, BT 456, Golden Crop non-BT, Super Harvest non-BT
C.Super Harvest non-BT, BT 456, BT 123, Golden Crop non-BT
D.BT 456, Super Harvest non-BT, BT 123, Golden Crop non-BT
Feedback:The Golden Crop had the steepest drop in the graph from no infestation to high infestation whereas BT 123 had the least noticeable drop.
Part 8 of 8 – 0.0/ 6.66 Points
Question 29 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
What is an independent variable? Include in your answer the independent variable in the corn lab experiment performed this week.
Question 30 of 30
0.0/ 3.33 Points
Explain what both pupae and larvae mean.