Week 8 Final Report only 600 words small essay

Week 8 Final Report only 600 words small essay

Week 8 Final Report only 600 words small essay

Subject: Business / General Business
The final report is due week 8, but we can go ahead and get this put together.
Using the presentation, write a report on the sections of the presentation you were assigned. This report should include the issues as well as recommendations you are offering to the company. Make use of references and diagrams if possible. Your reports should be about 600 words. If we each do our part with a 600 word report, we will meet the requirements for the final report. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Team,
This is the information from the meeting. We have a team deadline for your portion of the slide presentation. The deadline will be Saturday by Noon CST. Please have your portion of the presentation turned into the group via the group discussion board. Once everyone has submitted their portion we will bring the presentation together for the team to review.

The break down for the final presentation is as follows:
Chris:Intro and SWOT
Jason:Strategic Management and Goal Setting
Eric:Consumer Buying and Buying Influences
Jimmy:Performance Review and Cost/Benefits of decisions
Each team member can do between 3-4 slides (in the end we need to have a total of 15 slides)
The slides, per the rubric, should include:
Presentation should include a SWOT analysis, observations, and strategic recommendations for CanGo as well as supporting your recommendations with competitive, marketing, and financial data.
Please let me know if you have any questions
Team_D_Advantage_Management_Consulting_Associates_FinalPresentation.ppt (1023 KB)
Final_Report_and_Presentation_Guide_v2.0_.docx (19.49 KB)

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