uop-Write a 700- to 1,050-word lab report of your Evolution Lab results.
Subject: Biology / General Biology
Complete the Evolution Lab, available on your student website: http://www.biologylabsonline.com/axia/EvolutionLab/evlab.php
Write a 700- to 1,050-word lab report of your Evolution Lab results.
Format your lab report consistent with APA guidelines.
Rubric: Please see the assignment’s rubric located in the Materials Forum; this should help you see what is expected for each assignment.
1. Title Page
• The title of the experiment.
• Your name
• Your instructor’s name
• The date the lab was completed or the date the report was submitted.
2. Title
The title says what you did. It should be short and explain the main parts of the experiment. Some examples of titles would be “Evolution by Natural Selection” or “Temperature and the Rate of a Chemical Reaction” or “How Does Natural Selection Direct Evolution?”
3. Introduction and Purpose
Usually the Introduction is one or two paragraphs that describe the objectives or purpose of the lab. In the introduction, you need to state the reason for the experiment—why you did it. This is where you state your hypothesis. Your hypothesis might indicate what should happen to the birds when you change the parameters for each run over time. The information needed for the introduction can be found in lab introduction and background. You will decide what parameters to manipulate in the lab experiment and use them to form your hypothesis about natural selection. For example, you may decide to change the size of one island and observe what happens over time to the size of the beaks in the finches. You may select another factor or combination of factors to alter and observe the changes in the finches over time.
4. Materials
List all materials needed to complete the experiment. For this course, your materials would be a computer and access to the Evolution Lab available on the student website.
5. Methods or Procedures
List the steps you completed during your experiment. Be sure that your methods or procedures are written so that anyone could read this section and duplicate your experiment. Write it as if you were providing directions for someone else to complete the lab. Include the runs you make and the changes you make in the in the parameters for each run. That is, in your experimental design, establish the independent variables for your experiment. The independent variables are the factors you decide to change or manipulate in the experiment.
Numerical data acquired from your procedure should be presented in a table. The data include what you recorded when you performed the experiment. Only include the facts, not any interpretation of what they mean. The data for your charts will be automatically provided in the laboratory experiment. You can present the data in additional graphs. The data will include the independent variable and the dependent variables. The dependent variables include the results that occur when you change the independent variable.
6. Discussion and Results
For the discussion portion, explain in words what the data means. This section contains numbers. This is where you determine whether or not your hypothesis is accepted. This is also where you would discuss any mistakes you might have made while conducting the experiment and how the experiment might have been improved.
7. Conclusions
The conclusion is a single paragraph that summarizes what happened in the experiment, whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected, and what that means. If the hypothesis is valid, it is accepted, and if it is rejected, you can present a second hypothesis. You will determine if the factors you used influenced natural selection in the finches on the two islands.
8. References
If you cited facts in your lab report, you will list these references here.