Understanding the Influence of Demographic and Psychological Variables on Retirement Planning
Write a review of the article, Understanding the Influence of Demographic and Psychological Variables on Retirement Planning by Jasmina Petkoska and Joanne Earl, available in the KU Library. Petkoska, J., & Earl, J. K. (2009). Understanding the influence of demographic and psychological variables on retirement planning. Psychology And Aging, 24(1), 245-251. doi:10.1037/a0014096 In your review of the article, make sure to relate the differences in incentives and the effects that these incentives have had on Employees and employers. Explain the implications that the increasing number of people taking early retirement has on the viability of social programs. How has the demographic changes influenced economic psychological changes and expectations? Your review should be in at least two pages not counting the title or reference pages and should follow APA style guidelines.