trident Log301 module 3 case study and SLP

trident Log301 module 3 case study and SLP

Question module 3 case study and SLP

Southern Hospitality

Welcome to the case study assignment for the third module of the course.

Assignment: Please read the articles in the background section of the module and also do some additional research on the internet. Then answer the following question.

From a logistical standpoint, why is the southern U.S. an attractive location for the auto industry?

Assignment Expectations: Use at least 3 different sources of information. Make you case clearly as you discuss the factors that show what makes and attractive location. Be sure to include your references and cite them properly.

Use the same format as your module one paper. The paper should be 3-4 pages

module 3 SLP

Welcome to the SLP for the third module of the course.

Assignment: Take a look at your organization and the way it has made location decisions in its supply chain. Then answer the following question.

Has your organization maximized its supply chain efficiency by making optimal location decisions?

Assignment Expectations: Make sure your claim is clear, either the efficiency is maximized or its not. Explain your case using specific examples and showing that the decisions are optimal or non-optimal.

Submit your assignment for grading by the end of this module. Use the same format as your other module SLP papers. The paper should be 2-3 pages.