Stormwaterdetention basins thatare designed
Question 1: Stormwaterdetention basins thatare designed to reduce a100-yearpostdevelopment flow to a 100-year predevelopment flow, willpreventdownstreamflooding fromallstorms with return periods of less than100 years.
True or False
Question 8 Over the years, waterqualityprotection efforts under the Clean WaterActhave moved from technology- based pointsource approaches to a more comprehensive watershed approach, triggered in large partbythe increased need to engage and involve stakeholders at the grassroots level.
True or False
Question 10: Manyexisting detention basins were traditionallydesigned for waterquantitycontrolbyreducing post- developmentpeak flows for a specific design stormdown to the predevelopmentpeak flow for the same design storm.
True or False
Question 11: Downgrading of designated usesofa waterbodyis allowed when human-caused impacts cannotbe remedied.
True or False
Question 12: Most localordinances when referring to predevelopmentconditions as the goalto match surface water flows, theyare actuallyreferring to existing conditions, which maybe partiallydeveloped.
True or False
Question 15: The Flood Insurance Programis limited because itstillallows filland development in floodplains (flood fringes) right up to the floodwayboundaries.
True or False
Question 16: Alow impactdevelopment is designed to mimic the predevelopmenthydrologic conditions through control of runoffvolume, peak runoff rate, flow frequency/duration, and waterquality.
True or False
Question 17: In general, a plan to manage stormwater froma newdevelopmentshould be established afterstream restoration techniqueshave been employed or implemented in the watershed.
True or False
Question 18: Astormwatermanagement facilitythatcaptures the firstone-half to one inch ofsurface runoff results in
True or False
Question 19: Acombination of on-site and regionaldetention basins can significantlyimprove the capabilityof developers and communities to manage stormwateron a watershed basis.
True or False
Question 20: Allowable release rate is the ratio ofsurface runoffcontributing to a pointof interestat thatpoint’s time- of-peak to the maximumsurface runoff rate forpost-developmentconditions.
True or False
Question 22: Adaptive management involvesan iterative planning process in which lessons learned fromearlier managementefforts are incorporated in subsequentefforts
.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif”>True or False
Question 23: Land developers and communitiesmustimplementcontainmentof floodplains in order to permanently reduce the frequencyand occurrence ofdevastating floods.
True or False
Question 24: The basic premiseof the programunderSection 404 of the FederalClean WaterAct is thatno discharge of dredge or fillmaterials into waters of the United Statesmaybe permitted ifa practicable alternative exists that is less damaging to the aquatic environment, or if the nation’s waters would be significantlydegraded.
True or False
Part II:Multiple Choice Questions (1 point each).
Instructions:ChooseeitherA, B, C, orD(onlyone answer)aftereach of the following questions.
Question 27: Which of the following statements is a characteristic ofstructuralstreamrestoration techniques?
A. Theycause water to flow fast therebydestroying disease causing organisms (like mosquitoes) and aquatic habitats.
B. Theyprovide recreationaland fishing areas free of pollutants.
C. Theypreventstreambank erosion byforcing water to flow toward the centerof the channel.
D. A, B and C above.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 28: Which of the following parameters cannotbe effectivelyused to assesspollution vulnerabilityof groundwater resource?
A. Pathogen orbacteria type.
B. Glacialdeposits and bedrock type.
C. Topographyorslope.
D. Soil types.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 29: In the United States, the NationalFlood Insurance Program:
A. Providescomprehensive floodplain managementand protection of riparian buffers.
B. Offers support through providing flood insurance and minimizing future damage.
C. Prevents non-pointsource pollutants fromwashing into waterways during floods.
D. A, B, and C above.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 31: Ariparian buffermanagementplan should be an integralpartofanywatershed managementplan and should divide the buffer into the following zones, except:
A. Azone thatmaintains stable ecosystem, enablesnutrient removaland prevents streambank erosion.
B. Azone thatprevents infiltration while allowing stormwaterorsurface runoff to move fast without causing erosion.
C. Azone thatcontains aporous grass-covered land, which allows maximuminfiltration ofsurface runoff.
D. Azone thathasvegetation that removessediments and otherpollutants through filtration.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 32: Generally, in riparian buffermanagement, asstreams increase in size, the relative value of riparian buffers on:
A. Nutrient removaldecreases.
B. Sedimentcontrol remains constant.
C. Water temperature moderation decreases.
D. A,B, and C above.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 35: Which of the following statements is nota valid reason as to whya floodplain managementplan mustbe included in a comprehensive watershed managementplan?
A. It is less expensive than constructing large flood controlprojects.
B. To increase water front realestate orpropertyvalues.
C. To improve and maintain waterquality.
D. To preserve the storage capacityofexisting floodplains.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 37: The conceptofvariable stormwatermanagementdistrictdoesnotclassifythe watershed into:
A. Regionaldetention district.B. Standard detention district.C. Alternative stormdistrict.
D. Waterqualityand recharge onlydistrict.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 38: Which of the following statements is notan environmentalbenefitof watershed managementplanning?
A. Protects wildlife habitat.
B. Improvesmanagementofpermitting programs.
C. Improvesqualityofdrinking waterand recreationaluse. D. Controls flooding byrestoring riparian and wetland areas.A, B, C, or D:
Question 39: Which of the following is nota nonstructuralstormwaterbestmanagementpractice?
A. Generalcommunityoutreach.
B. Porous asphaltpavement.
C. Notbuilding in floodplains.
D. Preservation of environmentallysensitive areas.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 40: In groundwatermanagement, overdraftoccurs when groundwater is removed faster than recharge can replace it. Which of the following is nota resultofgroundwateroverdraft?
A. Apermanentlossofa portion of its storage capacity.
B. Achange thatcan cause waterofunusable qualityto contaminate good water.
C. In coastalbasins, salt-water intrusion can occur.
D. Permanentflooding ofcoastalzones.
A, B, C, or D:
Question 46: Abusinessman has 80 hectaresofundeveloped forest land thathe wants to develop into eithera golf courseora shopping center/commercialarea. In his evaluation and analysis ofstormwatermanagement options, he found that in the area, rainfall intensityofa 25-yearstormwith a duration of20 minutes is 2.5 inchesperhour;Rational RunoffCoefficient (AMC II)under Hydrologic SoilGroup B for: (i)a shopping center/commercialarea with 85% impervious surface area is 0.90;and (ii)a golfcourse with good grass coveron 75%ormore of the area is 0.25.
(a)Using the RationalMethod, whatare the peak surface runoffdischarges fromeach land use?(8 points).
.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif”>(i)Golf Course Area:
.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif”>(ii) Shopping Center/ Commercial Area:
.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image003.gif”>(b) Based on theresultsofyour calculationsabove, which land usewould you recommend to the developer to choosein order to minimizemajor stormwater floodingproblemsdownstream ofhis property? Why?(4 points).
.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gif”>THE END