SCI228 Week 1 iLab Latest 2017 March
SCI228 Week 1 iLab Latest 2017 March
Subject: General Questions / General General Questions
iLab Overview
One of the first topics that we need to explore is our digestive tract. Each step of digestion has its own function. Chewing, for example, increases the surface area of food particles (physical digestion) so that the enzymes in the mouth can start breaking the nutrients down (chemical digestion). Review the two links below and complete the lab assignment stated below.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)
Students will first examine the interactive links provided and then answer the questions below. The assignment should be two pages maximum, double spaced, 12-point font, and have one-inch margins with standard APA referencing. Essays/handouts are to be written in Microsoft Word and put in the Dropbox for iLab 1.
Please use the interactive pieces below (although they are not necessarily for the completion of the iLab assignment) and then follow the assignment listed below the links.
Required Software
Interactive Media
Digestive System | View Transcript
Gastrointestinal Tract Activities | View Transcript
Adobe Shockwave
To participate in the iLabs, you will need the latest version of the Shockwave player. Here is the link to download the Shockwave player to your computer:
You may have to wait a while for the iLab diagrams to download.
You may want to try using Netscape or another browser instead of Internet Explorer.
If your browser uses a pop-up blocker, you may have to disable it or hold down the [Ctrl] key while clicking on the iLab link.
You may have to change the ActiveX control settings. In Internet Explorer, it’s under Tools > Internet Options > click on the Advanced Tab; scroll down to the Security heading; Check Box that says: Allow active content to run files on My Computer.
If you have trouble accessing a website, you may need to clean your computer’s cache. Instructions are posted in Doc Sharing, or click this link IE Cache Cleaning Guidelines
Microsoft Office: Word
Use a personal copy or access the software at
All Steps
Lab Steps
Part 1
There are several parts to this iLab. Part 1 consists of listing all of the parts of the digestive system with either a list or photo. Many people take a screenshot and use it for Part 1. Feel free to also list the parts as well if you cannot figure out how to take a screenshot.
Part 2
Part 2 technically consists of two parts. The first one includes describing the location of each body part. For example, the appendix is located on the right side of the body under the ascending colon. Another way to do this part would be to write out the parts and put a location/description next to it. The second part of Part 2 for this section is to describe the manner in which you will retain the information of where each body part is located. An example would be, “I will remember the location of each body part by reviewing the photo and memorizing each location.” Some classmates develop interesting methods of memorizing where all of the parts are located, like using mnemonics. Feel free to be creative.
Part 3
For Part 3, which is in a Word document (or the same document that you have been using for Parts 1 and 2), please take the overall categories (mouth, small intestine, esophagus, stomach, and large intestine) and label them with the appropriate mechanisms that occur in each of them (propulsion, absorption, chemical digestion, and mechanical digestion). Please remember that each digestive system part mentioned above may be involved in more than one of the mechanisms.
Part 4
For Part 4, please define each mechanism (propulsion, absorption, chemical digestion, and mechanical digestion) with two to three sentences each.