Post PSY101 Unit 8 Quiz latest 2016 October
Post PSY101 Unit 8 Quiz latest 2016 October
Subject: Psychology / General Psychology
Question 1
5 out of 5 points
Abnormality may be defined as__________________________________.
Question 2
5 out of 5 points
The DSM-V is used to_____________________________________________.
Question 3
0 out of 5 points
For a long time, Angela has had difficulty controlling her worries and fears even when there is no immediate circumstance that is responsible for her nervousness. Angela may be suffering from __________________________________________.
Question 4
2 out of 5 points
Tom climbs the stairs at work in order to avoid the intense anxiety he experiences when being confined in an elevator. Tom may be suffering from______________________.
Question 5
5 out of 5 points
Tina cannot leave the house without repeatedly checking that the stove is off and the door is locked. She is frequently late for school every day because she cannot leave the house on time. Tina may be diagnosed with a form of ____________________________________.
Question 6
0 out of 5 points
Marla’s sister has just been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She hears voices and is paranoid that someone is trying to control her. She will likely be placed on anti-psychotic medication that targets the neurotransmitter called________________________.
Question 7
5 out of 5 points
Peter cannot concentrate, is extremely sad, and is having difficulty sleeping. He sees a therapist who suggests he is suffering from Depression. She refers him to a psychiatrist who prescribes Zoloft. Zoloft belongs to a class of drugs known as SSRIs which act on the neurotransmitter_____________________.
Question 8
1 out of 5 points
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an effective form of treatment that focuses on changing a client’s maladaptive________________________.
Question 9
5 out of 5 points
Behavioral techniques are best suited for treating __________________ disorders.
Question 10
5 out of 5 points
Person-centered therapy focuses on the therapeutic relationship in which the therapist provides unconditional________________ _____________ for the client.
Question 11
0 out of 5 points
“Corey’s doctor tells him he is overweight and has a family risk of obesity related heart disease. Corey is not particularly committed to changing his diet and exercise routine. According to Leon Festinger, this may lead Corey to experience a mental conflict known as ____________ ______________.”
Question 12
10 out of 10 points
Alexandra just got cut off in traffic. She is angry and decides the driver is a “bad person”. Alexandra is attributing the driver’s behavior to _____________________ ___________________ rather than ____________________ ______________________.
Question 13
8 out of 10 points
Attribution theory is defined as_____________________________________________________________________. Give an example of a time when you or someone you know showed an attribution bias________________________________________________________________________.
Question 14
10 out of 10 points
Conformity is defined as____________________________. Give an example of a time when you changed your behavior to conform with the behavior of others.
Question 15
5 out of 5 points
Groupthink is defined as ________________________________________________.
Question 16
5 out of 5 points
Stanley Milgram performed an important study on _____________________________.
Question 17
5 out of 5 points
Prejudice differs from discrimination in that prejudice is____________________________________ whereas discrimination is ________________________________________.