Population dynamics homework
Population dynamics homework
One hundred (100) goldfish were introduced into Round Pond. This species of goldfish reproduces rapidly, but is prey for many birds and susceptible to some fatal diseases. Their population change through time can be summarized as follows:
End of year: number of living goldfish:
1 220
2 484
3 1065
4 1060
5 1066
1) The growth of the population over a 5 year period would be best described as…
a) exponential b) explosive c) logistic d) chaotic
2) The carrying capacity of this population would be close to ………………… goldfish.
a) 10600 b) 1060 c) 484 d) 220
3) At the end of year 1 there is a 200 (N) deer mice population in a 20 acre field. If their per capita birth rate b = 1.2 mice/mouse/year, and their per capita death rate d = 0.6 mice/mouse/year, what would the population size be at the end of year 3? Show your calculations below.
4) If instead the same mouse population had a carrying capacity of K = 240, and again at the end of year 1 had a population of 200 (N) mice, what would be the population size at the end of year 3? Show your calculations below.