Subject: Political Science / General Political Science
Week 1 discussions
Politics in Our Daily Lives (graded)
As we read and discuss the definition of politics, let’s also consider the consequences of political decisions upon our daily routines.
Can you think of a time when a political act impacted your daily life? What made this experience political?
As we begin our discussions, let’s not forget to comment on each other’s posts. Can you see any similarities in your situations?
The Study of Political Science (graded)
Our text mentions that Political Science “seeks to study human behavior through the use of a scientific method that, at times, can prompt objections and debate.”
If this is true, why do you think this is the case? Please be sure to provide a specific example from the text to support your response.
Week 2 discussions
Types of Power (graded)
If politics truly defines who gets what, when, where, and how, then those that succeed at this game must have some advantage in doing so. This advantage comes from power.
So, what is the definition of power? And what types of power are utilized in the political realm?
Theories Regarding the State (graded)
Chapter 4 begins with a description of Plato’s allegory of the cave. As we focus upon the ethical questions concerning the role of the state this week, let’s take a closer look at this parable.
What is the setting of the story? Who are the main characters? And what major events transpire?
Week 3 discussions
Ideologies Compared (graded)
This week your Critical Reflection Paper compares the concepts of liberalism and socialism. To best prepare you for this assignment, let’s take a deeper look at the variations found within liberalism. Classical liberalism is based upon the work of John Locke and Adam Smith whereas modern liberalism focuses upon the work of T.H. Green.
So, what are the differences between these two forms of liberalism? And of the two, which do you agree with most?
Fascism Explored (graded)
Your text states that fascism is “an ideology that introduces totalitarianism as the objective of political decision making.” Its practice stands in opposition to both liberal and socialist ideals. So, what does fascism have against individualism, family, and pacifism?
Week 4 discussions
The Supreme Court (graded)
The lecture this week suggests that the Supreme Court is the least democratic branch of government, and yet it serves an important function in our democracy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a branch of government that is not democratically elected? Would you change the way the court is appointed?
Democracies Compared (graded)
Over the past few weeks, we have had the opportunity to explore the roots of political philosophy. Let’s take a moment to focus in upon the idea of democracy. So, what is the true definition of democracy?