PAD520 Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis

PAD520 Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis

Subject: Political Science    / General Political Science   
Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:(Note: Refer to Review Question 8 located at the end of Chapter 3 for criteria 1-3.)
1. Apply the procedures for argumentation analysis (located in Chapter 8) to display contending positions and underlying assumptions for the content of Review Question 1.
2. Rate the assumptions and plot them according to their plausibility and importance. (Refer to Figure 3.16, “Distribution of warrant by plausibility and importance.”)
3. Determine which arguments are the most plausible. Provide a rationale for your views.

(Note: Refer to Demonstration Exercise 1 located at the end of Chapter 3 for criteria 4-6.)

4. Apply the procedures for stakeholder analysis presented in Box 3.0 “Conducting a Stakeholder Analysis” to generate a list of stakeholders who affect or are affected by problems in the issue area chosen for analysis.
5. Create a cumulative frequency distribution from the list, placing stakeholders (numbered 1 – n) on the horizontal axis; placing the number of new ideas generated by each stakeholder; and then connecting the total new ideas of each stakeholder with a line graph. (Note: The ideas may be objectives, alternatives, outcomes causes, etc.; ideas should not be duplicates. The frequency distribution can be created in Excel or PowerPoint using the chart feature.)
6. Write an analysis of the results of the frequency distribution that answers the following questions: (a) Does the line graph flatten out? (b) If so, after how many stakeholders? (c) What conclusions can be drawn about the policy problems in the issue area? (Note: Compare your work with Case Study 3.1 at the end of the chapter.)
7. Provide at least two (2) academic or government resources to support your views. (Note: Do not use open source Websites such Wikipedia,,, and similar Websites are not acceptable resources.)
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