NR361 week 2 Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPoint

NR361 week 2 Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPoint

Subject: General Questions    / General General Questions   

Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPoint:

Guidelines and Grading Rubric

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as a teacher and educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as ahandoutto assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patientfind and evaluatea mobile health, or mHealth application (app). This may berelated to his or herdisease process or diagnosis, or may be an app that can help a patient maintain or improve good health, and prevent illness.

Youwilldeveloptheguideusing Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handoutthat you may print and give to patientsand families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file to the Dropbox.
Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.

CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)


This assignment is worth a total of 175 points.

Due Date

The Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health ApplicationPowerPoint assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit your completed assignment to the Dropbox by Sunday;11:59 p.m. MT.You may consult the Policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments.Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q&A Forum.


Use Microsoft PowerPoint to createslides, which will be the basis of the guide or handout. You are encouraged to cite your source(s) as it relates to your criteria slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.

Scenario Slide: This slide should include your name. Next, outline a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is experiencing a specific disease process or diagnosis who would benefit from a mHealth app.Or, identify a person is currently healthy and would like to maintain or improve health and prevent illness. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment ofthe patient’s learning needs and readiness to learn. Be specific.


Scenario for Ms. Ellis

Jane Doe (your name here)

· Jennifer Ellis, a 62-year-old African American who has been recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). She has been prescribed several medications she must take every day.

· The nephrologist has stressed the importance of leading a healthy life style to slow or stop the progression of CKD.

· She is interested in ways in which she can better track her health and make healthier choices.

· She is a high school graduate and iPhone user, mostly to send text messages to family and friends.

· She is eager to learn how to use an app that can help her manager her CKD.

Prepare the following slides as if you are presenting them to the patient.

mHealth Application Slide:Identify an mHealthapp that could benefit the patient. Describe the app including its:

· Name

· Purpose

· Intended audience

· Mobile device(s) upon which it will operate

· Where to download or obtain it. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website.

· And any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation.

Teaching Slides: Prepare slides that contain important points about the app that you want to teach to the patient.

EvaluationSlide:Describe how you would determine the success of the patient’s use of this app.

Writing and Design:There should be no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is concise and clear. Avoid words that the patient may not understand. Slides are visually appealing, e.g., all-black text on an all-white background is boring.

Review the section on Academic Integrity Policy found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.
Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint Slideshows

· Be creative, but realistic.

· Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.

· Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

· Review directions thoroughly.

· Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.

· Proofread prior to final submission.

· Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
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