A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment

A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment

A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment

Subject: General Questions / General General Questions
8 to 10pages…,no plagiarism what so ever….Please answer each question in detail…


A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment plan is emerging in the United States. CDHPs strive to control costs and improve quality of care by requiring consumers to take control of their own healthcare decisions. Consumers decide how they want to spend their healthcare dollars, depending on what is important to them. CDHPs are geared to encourage participants to enroll in some type of wellness program and improve their lifestyles. Specific types of CDHPs are health reimbursement accounts (HRA), flexible spending accounts (FSA), and health savings accounts (HSA).

However, there are concerns about CDHPs. The consumer may neither understand nor have the education and the tools to manage his or her own healthcare appropriately. This may have long-term ramifications on the whole healthcare system and whether CDHPs can be successful for the consumer, the employer, the physician, and the healthcare facilities, as well as the insurers.

Answer the following questions in regard to this development:

Are CDHPs more geared toward the healthier and younger population?
Are they effective for patients with chronic illnesses?
Will they discourage the use of preventative care and cause increased healthcare costs in the future?
After examining the above questions in your analysis, work around the following instructions and create a 8- to 10-page Microsft Word document:

Summarize the history of when, how, and why CDHPs were developed.
Explain HSA, HRA, and FSA with examples.
Examine different segments of the population. Describe which socioeconomic group is likely to benefit the most from CDHPs.
Explain the types of incentives to providers for efficiency in the delivery of healthcare services. Explain who bears the financial risk—the provider, the patient, or the CDHP.
Offer your recommendations for patients considering a CDHP, including which types are appropriate for which patients. Include your recommendations for each, to accept or decline, and also include your rationale behind such recommendations.
Week 3 Assignment 2 Grading Rubrics
Summarizes the history
of factors (when, how,
and why) that contributed
to the development of
CDHPs. Defines HSA, HRA, and
FSA. Unsatisfactory
The summary is
incomplete without a
clear picture of the
history of CDHPs and is
lacking the discussion
of at least two factors
(when, how, and why)
that contributed to the
development of CDHPs.
The summary is
incomplete and is
lacking definitions of
two or more CDHPs
(HSA, HRA, or FSA). Examines different
segments of the
population and describes
which socioeconomic
group is likely to benefit
most from CDHPs. The summary is
incomplete and does
not compare segments
of the population with
respect to how great the
segment benefits from
CDHPs. Explains the types of
incentives available to
providers for efficiency in
the delivery of healthcare
services. The summary is
incomplete and does
not identify at least
three incentives
available to providers
for efficiency in the
delivery of healthcare
The summary is Offers recommendations Emerging
The summary is
somewhat complete but
is still lacking the
discussion of one factor
(when, how, and why)
that contributed to the
development of
CDHPs. Proficient
The summary discusses
all factors (when, how,
and why) that contribute
to the development of
CDHPs, but more details
could have been used to
support identification. Exemplary
The summary
discusses all factors
(when, how, and why)
that contribute to the
development of CDHPs
and provides specific
details to support
identification. Score The summary is
somewhat complete,
but is lacking the
definitions of one
The summary is
somewhat complete,
but identifies and
compares only two
segments of the
population as to who
benefits most from
The summary is
somewhat complete,
but identifies only one
or two incentives
available to providers
for efficiency in the
delivery of healthcare
The summary is The summary discusses
all three CDHPs, but
more details could have
been used to support the
definitions. The summary defines
all three CDHPs with
sufficient and specific
details. ___ of 20 The summary is
complete and does
identify at least three
segments of the
population, comparing
who would benefit most
from CDHPs. The summary is
complete and does
identify four or more
segments of the
population, comparing
who would benefit most
from CDHPs. ___ of 40 The summary is
somewhat complete in
the identification of three
incentives available to
providers, but more
details could have been
used to support the
discussion of each.
The summary is The summary is
complete in the
identification of three
incentives available to
providers and provides
sufficient and specific
details to support the
discussion of each.
The summary is ___ of 40 ___ of 20 ___ of 40 Page 1 of 3
HCM3002 Economics of Healthcare
© 2013 South University for patients considering a
CDHP and includes a
rationale behind such
recommendations. incomplete and lacking
in the provision of at
least three
recommendations for
patients considering a
CDHP and does not
include a rationale. somewhat complete
and discusses one or
two recommendations
for patients considering
CDHPs and does not
include a rationale. complete and discusses
three recommendations
for patients considering
CDHPs includes a
rationale, but more
details could have been
used to support the
discussion. complete and
discusses three or
more recommendations
for patients considering
CDHPs with sufficient
and specific details to
support the discussion.
Includes a rationale
behind the
recommendations. Written components. Introduction is limited or
missing entirely. Introduction is present
but incomplete or
underdeveloped. Introduction has a clear
opening, provides
background information,
and states the topic. Introduction catches
the reader’s attention,
provides compelling
and appropriate
information, and clearly
states the topic. Poorly organized
document that
interferes with
readability and
comprehension. Loosely organized
document that may have
to be inferred. Poorly organized
document. Transitions are
infrequent, illogical, or
missing entirely.
Conclusion is limited or
missing entirely.
Writing contains
numerous errors in
spelling, grammar, or
sentence structure that
severely interferes with
readability and
comprehension. Transitions are
sporadic. Transitions are
appropriate and help the
flow of ideas. Conclusion summarizes
main argument and has
a clear ending.
Conclusion is present,
but incomplete or
Writing contains
numerous errors in Writing follows
conventions of spelling
and grammar
throughout. Errors are
infrequent and do not ___ of 40 Well organized
document with an
introduction. Transitions are
thoughtful and clearly
show how ideas relate.
Conclusion leaves the
reader with a sense of
closure and provides
concluding insights.
Writing follows
conventions of spelling
and grammar
throughout that helps
Page 2 of 3
HCM3002 Economics of Healthcare
No attempt at APA
formatting. spelling, grammar, or
sentence structure that
somewhat interfere with
readability or
APA format is
attempted to
paraphrase, quote, and
cite, but errors are
significant. interfere with readability
or comprehension.
APA format is attempted
to paraphrase, quote,
and cite, but few errors
are present. establish a clear idea
and aid the reader in
following the writer’s
APA format is used
throughout when
appropriate or called
for. Total Score Page 3 of 3
HCM3002 Economics of Healthcare

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