MKTG 578-Generate a Marketing Campaign for the new Aero models in the U.S.
MKTG 578-Generate a Marketing Campaign for the new Aero models in the U.S.
Subject: Business / Marketing
Generate a Marketing Campaign for the new Aero models in the U.S.
Discuss the pros and cons of utilizing the existing Aero customer base of Pinnacle
owners as part of your promotional strategy.
How will you use the existing Aero technology advantage?
What media will you use (Internet, radio, newspaper, TV) to generate buzz?
This is a somewhat new arena. There are a lot of resources available, but you simply
may want to consider starting with a Google search of buzz marketing. Other sites
that could be useful in your information search are BzzAgent and the Word of Mouth
Marketing Association. You also may want to consider the marketing strategy for the
movie Cloverfield and the current marketing program for the Ford Fiesta.
Write a 250–500 word summary in which you lay out the broad ideas regarding how
you will generate buzz for the new products. Try to identify specific actions you will
try, as well as how you will determine whether you are having success. Assignment Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players
involved, it is time for you to make a decision.
If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this
Week’s You Decide tab, in eCollege, to complete the activity for this scenario.
You can return and review this scenario again at any time. Scenario
Look at you! After submitting your recommendation to the Aero board via web
conference, you get a call from the CEO of Aero! He tells you he is sending the jet
over and he would like to have a chat with you – at the villa – to go over some of your
ideas. After he sends a car over for you, you find the jet ready to go and off you go to
Aero Headquarters. You notice, all of a sudden, that you are being treated like the
corporate star!
During the meeting with the CEO, he tells you that the Aero board wants to move on
with a very selective opening in the North American market. They want to use – very
heavily – the existing small, but very loyal, Aero customer base. Even though the new
car is far less expensive than the existing Aero models, he feels that the existing Aero
owners’ advocacy of the new Aero will make for a very successful introduction.
In particular, he feels that using buzz marketing, that is (using existing users and
experts) to create a feeling of uniqueness and adding a personal touch to the
customer experience will enhance the Aero brand so that it becomes sought after
rather than being something that is sold to people. You nod sagely, knowing that you’ll need to educate yourself on buzz marketing and how to use it to position Aero
as a preferred option. Your Role Visit Aero Headquarters and listen to the Key Players below. After considering their
advice, answer the Activity questions at the bottom of the page. Key Players (View their statements)
Raymond Burke – (Technical Director)
We must really capitalize on our existing technology advantage while we have it.
This needs to be the emphasis of our buzz marketing techniques – we must have our
existing customers trumpeting our new technology as the best and create buzz that
Kathy Lee – (VP of Marketing )
Statement : We should bring our existing customer base in from the very beginning
like having special members-only type events. We should treat the introduction like
the premiere of a Hollywood blockbuster – making those who are in the know
subject to special events and offers.
We must create the image of being the elite club where decision makers and
influencial leaders have already gone and are allowing new members in.
Patricia Lopez -(Art Director)
Statement :We should bring our existing customer base in from the very beginning
like having special members-only type events. We should treat the introduction like
the premiere of a Hollywood blockbuster – making those who are in the know
subject to special events and offers.
We must create the image of being the elite club where decision makers and
influencial leaders have already gone and are allowing new members in.
Allison Tanney – (CFO)
Statement :We should bring our existing customer base in from the very beginning
like having special members-only type events. We should treat the introduction like
the premiere of a Hollywood blockbuster – making those who are in the know
subject to special events and offers. We must create the image of being the elite club where decision makers and
influencial leaders have already gone and are allowing new members in.