MId Term

MId Term

MId Term

SECTION I-MULTIPLE CHOICE (two points each) Total 40 points The four main driving forces creating and shaping changes at work include: a. globalization, demography, diversity, ethics b. globalization, technology, religiosity, ethics c. globalization, technology, diversity, employee attitudes d. globalization, technology, diversity, ethics Globalization implies all of the following except: a. the world is free from national boundaries b. a borderless world c. competition between workers from other countries d. an organization's nationality is held strongly in consciousness An individual's psychological tendency expressed by evaluating an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor reflects: a. an attitude b. one's mood c. values d. beliefs When one's attitudes and required job behavior conflict, __________ may develop. a. affect b. attitude consonance c. behavioral tendency d. cognitive dissonance A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences reflects: a. job involvement b. job satisfaction c. loyalty d. job morale McGregor believed that Theory X assumptions were appropriate for: a. individuals located at the top of the organization b. employees located at the lower level of the organization c. individuals motivated by lower order needs d. individuals motivated by higher order needs The work of Hofstede is important because his studies revealed that more differences in work-related attitudes can be explained by: a. gender b. profession c. national culture d. age An expatriate manager is one who: a. has left a transnational organization to work for a competitor b. works within a foreign-owned company within their own country c. works in a country other than his or her home country d. has given his or her allegiance to a transnational type of organization over a more national/domestic perspective Which statement regarding the glass ceiling is most...