MGMT221 Module 1.3 Discussion Latest 2017 April
MGMT221 Module 1.3 Discussion Latest 2017 April
Subject: Business / Management
1.3 Discussion: Big Data and Social Media
25 25 unread replies. 55 55 replies.
Discussion Overview
two_social_conversation_bubbles.jpgDiscussion participation in this course is taken very seriously. If you have not read the Discussion Assignments Overview and Requirements information, do so before you participate in the discussion area.
APA Style citing and referencing is a stringent requirement for any “borrowed” data that is posted in the Discussions as well as submitted in the other assignments in this course. Select Course Specific APA Style Instructions and Guidance to access an excellent guide with tips on how to utilize APA Style to format in-text citations and references.
Review the Checklist for Meaningful DiscussionsPreview the documentView in a new window and the Online Students Responsibilities (Links to an external site.) documents located in the Start Here section of the course for helpful information pertaining to the discussion activities.
Your instructor will evaluate and grade the discussion posts using the Discussion Rubric. Select