meiosis I and meiosis II.

meiosis I and meiosis II.

This is an experiment regarding meiosis I and meiosis II. I used 20 beads to build a homologous pair of duplicated chromosomes (so 10 beads snapped together to make two different strands). I assembled another homologous pair of chromosomes using on 12 (so that is 6 beads per strand. By brining the two homologues pair together (the two pairs that that have 10 bead strands) if you exchange an equal number of beads between the two to configure the chromosomes as they would appear in each stage of meiosis I. Please tell me how many chromosomes would there be in each phase. For example, meiosis 1, Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I. Then configure as they would appear in each stage of meiosis II and tell me how many chromosomes would there be in each phase (Prophase II, Methaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II. All I need to know is the chromosomes in each phase knowing the protocol that I have started with. Thanks. 


UMUC Biology 102/103
Lab 5: Meiosis
On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 5 Answer Form

electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed on your
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To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual that is
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Experiment 1: Following chromosomal DNA movement
Meiosis I
Prophase I—

Metaphase I—

Anaphase I—

Telophase I—
Meiosis II
Prophase II—

Metaphase II—

Anaphase II—

Telophase II—