Lesson 1 Assignments (Two Chapters)
Lesson 1 Assignments (Two Chapters)
Chapter 1
Can a single standard of ethics be applied to all criminal justice agencies? Or is the CJ system too complex to legislate morality and ethics?
Describe the differences between the formal and informal justice systems. Is it fair to treat some offenders informally?
What are the layers of the criminal justice “wedding cake”? Give an example of a crime for each layer.
What are the basic elements of each model or perspective on justice? Which best represents your own point of view?
Chapter 2
What factors account for crime rate trends?
What factors are present in poverty-stricken urban areas that produce high crime rates?
It seems logical that biological and psychological factors might explain why some people commit crime. But if crime is based on individual traits, how would we explain
the fact that crime rates are higher in the West and South than in the Midwest and East?
Considering the patterns victimization takes, what steps should you take to avoid becoming a crime victim?
Research your textbook and the internet about plea bargaining. Write a discussion which includes, at a minimum, how frequently is it used in the courts, the types of
plea bargains, who does what in the process, who benefits (or suffers) from plea bargaining, and what influences each side to bargain. Use critical thinking skills to
answer the questions: Is plea bargaining fair to the defendant? To the CJ system? To society? Provide a link(s) to the internet site(s) you researched and a
reference to the page(s) in the textbook you researched.