Kaplan IT460 unit 4 assignment Kaplan IT460 unit 4 assignment Question Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT460 Unit: 4 Points: 40 Copyright Kaplan University Assignment 4 Outcomes addressed in this activity: ? Identify the various methods for determining systems requirements ? Construct data flow diagrams to support the analysis of information systems ? Evaluate the relationship between the logical and physical models Course Outcomes: ? IT460-2 Develop logical models for a proposed system. Instructions As with past weeks, to find the needed information for this week’s assignment please go to the “Case Study Assignment Link” found under Learning Activities in Session 5. Context Level Diagram: Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT460 Unit: 4 Points: 40 Copyright Kaplan University 0 TIM S SYSTEM COURSES STUDENT INS T RUCT OR CORPORAT E CL IENT ACCOUNT ING SYSTEM TRAINING ADM INIST RAT OR ROST ER COURSE ASSIGNM ENT COM PL ET ION DAT A ACCOUNT ING DAT A INVOICE PAYM ENT COURSE REQUEST CONF IRM AT ION T RAINING SUM M ARY SCHEDUL E DECISIONS TRAINING REPORT S COURSE DAT A Level 0 Diagram: Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT460 Unit: 4 Points: 40 Copyright Kaplan University COMPLETION DATA PAYM ENT STUDENT DATA SCHEDULE DECISIONS COURSE DATA ROSTER COURSE ASSIGNMENT ACCOUNTING DATA INVOICE TRAINING ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING SUMM ARY TRAINING REPORTS TRAINING DATA D1 STUDENT DATA D2 SCHEDULE DATA 1 MANAGE COURSE SCHEDULING 2 REGISTER STUDENTS 3 MAINTAIN TRAINING RECORDS 4 PRODUCE REPORTS REGISTRATION DATA CURRENT SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DATA CONFIRMATION COURSE REQUEST STUDENT INSTRUCTOR COURSES CORPORATE CLIENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TRAINING DATA D3 TRAINING DATA TRAINING DATA Deliverable 1: You have completed your work with regards to the following diagrams: Context and Level 0. Both are depicted above. Now, in order to ensure accuracy, it’s time for us to explain these drawings to our business partners. For this deliverable please provide the following: 1) APA formatted paper that fully describes, in your own words, both diagrams. You must have a section that addresses the Context Diagram and another section that describes the Level 0 Diagram. In order to properly explain the requirements represented by these diagrams, multiple pages are going to be required. It is Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT460 Unit: 4 Points: 40 Copyright Kaplan University absolutely essential that our business partners and technical team have accurately captured the requirements as we’ve learned them to date! Deliverable 2: CASE tools are very important to our work as Systems Analysts. For this section of your Assignment please supply the following: 1) A detailed description in your own words that describes what CASE tools are and how they can be helpful to our assignment. Please keep in mind that the audience for this paper is our business partners. Ensure that the terms you use are ones that the business folks will understand. 2) Provide two examples of CASE tools today. For each example, detail, in your own words what features and value this tool has. Assignment requirements: ? Context Diagram Explanation ? Diagram 0 Explanation ? CASE tool explanation ? Find two examples of CASE Tools on the Internet and supply a detailed explanation in our own words as to what their strengths and weaknesses are. ? Assignment 4 grading rubric =40 points Criteria Maximum points Points earned 1. Detailed explanation of what the TIMS Context Diagram represents. You explanation must be clear and concise and in a language your business partner would understand. A major purpose of this document is to further understand business requirements. Both the I.T. teams and Business teams must have a clear understanding. Your work will be evaluated on how accurately and effectively you capture the requirements depicted in this diagram. 0-10 2. Detailed explanation of what the TIMS Level 0 Diagram represents. The Level 0 diagram defines Business 0-15 Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT460 Unit: 4 Points: 40 Copyright Kaplan University Requirements in further detail from the Context Diagram. Hence, all of the criteria outlined above for the Context diagram also apply to your Level 0 explanation. 3. Case tool explanation/description 0-5 4. Two examples provided of CASE tools with detailed explanations. 0-10 Total (Sum of all points) 0-40