IDS 401 Final project – A global connectedness issue

IDS 401 Final project – A global connectedness issue

IDS 401 Final project – A global connectedness issue

Subject: General Questions / General General Questions
IDS 401 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
For your final project, you will devise a plan of action for addressing a global connectedness issue of your choice, and you will create a presentation to
communicate your plan.
For this milestone, submit a two- to three-page outline of your final project presentation. Think of it as a script with notes to help add context to the points you
will be making. It does not need to use complete sentences or paragraphs, but it should contain enough detail to allow your instructor to offer you some
feedback. Note that this outline, with revisions, can serve as your speaker notes for the final project submission.
Your outline should be based on the critical elements listed below (from the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document). Note that these are not in any
particular order; they can be constructed in your presentation in any configuration.
I. Introduction: For this part of the assessment, you will examine the role of the individual in a global society and how global connectedness influences
aspects of culture and the individual. To help guide your analysis, you will explore a topic that has been discussed in this course (globalization,
consequences of a global market, predictability and control, cultural politics, and so on).
A. Analyze how social practices have changed due to global connectedness.
B. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain how a topic that has been discussed in this course has or has not been influenced by global
C. Analyze how global society has influenced social change. In other words, how has a shift to a more global society brought about social change?
D. Analyze how global connectedness has influenced the behaviors and operations of individuals in your discipline of study. In other words, look at
the influence of global connectedness through the lens of your discipline.
E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain how global connectedness and a topic that has been discussed in this course have influenced the
development of national identity. In other words, how has national identity changed in a more global society? Using relevant research or diverse
perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of global connectedness. II. Issue: For this part of the assessment, you will introduce the issue and how it relates to global connectedness and any of the topics that have been
discussed in the course.
A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue that is related to global connectedness.
1. What is the origin of the issue?
2. What is the issue about?
B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the target population of the issue.
1. Who is impacted by the issue?
2. What is important to know about them?
C. Using appropriate research strategies, explain how the chosen issue relates to a topic that has been discussed in this course.
1. In other words, how can you connect the social or global issue you have chosen with a topic that has been discussed in this course?
2. How does it inform your understanding of the issue?
D. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how the chosen issue is impacting the target population.
E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, predict how the chosen issue will or will not change in the future. III. Plan: For this part of the assessment, you will offer recommendations and a plan to improve the issue, as well as strategies for implementing your plan.
A. Make recommendations for how the current issue could be addressed so that it no longer adversely affects the target population.
B. Explain the strategies that could be utilized to address the chosen issue.
C. Imagine you are in charge of addressing your chosen issue. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain how you would implement your plan.
D. Explain the benefits of your plan and justify why your plan would be preferable. Be sure to support your justification with relevant research or
diverse perspectives. Guidelines for Submission: Your outline should be submitted as a two- to three-page document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and oneinch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Introduction Proficient (100%)
Effectively addresses the required
components of the Introduction section,
supported by appropriate interdisciplinary
approaches Issue Effectively addresses the required
components of the Issue section, supported
by appropriate interdisciplinary approaches Plan Effectively addresses the required
components of the Plan section, supported
by appropriate interdisciplinary approaches Level of Detail Provides an appropriate amount of detail,
allowing the reader to understand the major
points of the analysis and supporting
References at least three specific pieces of
academically appropriate evidence and/or
resources, including at least three separate
disciplines, to support the central actions Use of Academically
Appropriate Evidence
and Resources Needs Improvement (75%)
Addresses the required components of the
Introduction section but does not provide
support using interdisciplinary approaches or
fails to select an appropriate interdisciplinary
Addresses the required components of the
Issue section but does not provide support
using interdisciplinary approaches or fails to
select an appropriate interdisciplinary
Addresses the required components of the
Plan section but does not provide support
using interdisciplinary approaches or fails to
select an appropriate interdisciplinary
Provides some detail, but the reader may
struggle to understand some of the major
points of analysis and supporting material
References pieces not directly related to
academically appropriate evidence and/or
resources or fails to meet the minimum of
three separate disciplines to support the
central actions Not Evident (0%)
Fails to effectively address the required
components of the Introduction section Value
15 Fails to effectively address the required
components of the Issue section 15 Fails to effectively address the required
components of the Plan section 15 Includes an inadequate amount of detail,
undermining the reader’s ability to
understand the major points and supporting
Does not include evidence and/or resources,
or those selected are not academically
appropriate, and/or does not include at least
three separate disciplines 15 15 Organization of the
Articulation of
Response Submission is well organized and lends itself
to a cohesive presentation that will flow
Submission is free of major grammatical,
syntax, or spelling errors Submission has some organization issues
that interfere with the flow of the
Submission contains minor grammatical,
syntax, or spelling errors that interfere with
understanding the meaning Submission suffers from major organizational
issues that will interfere with the overall flow
of the presentation
Submission contains major grammatical,
syntax, or spelling errors that interfere with
understanding the meaning
Earned Total Rubric Annotations
Flow Definition
Presentation is clear and cohesive, particularly for the audience; begins with a
broader view of the topic and then narrows the focus.
Supporting research or perspectives are incorporated into the presentation and
support the message of the presentation.
Audio elements emphasize the key ideas of the speech and flow cohesively with the
accompanying presentation. 15 10 100%


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Section One
Social theorists have currently defined globalization as the fundamental changes in the temporal and spatial contours of social existence. Regardless, globalization was a common term mostly used during the discussion of global trends in the market but it has currently been used in giving explanations to the rapid and intensive global connectedness and information expansion. Defining technology in the current globalized world is eve-changing (Chong & Tanchanpongs, 2012). It has been viewed as an important tool, method or technique that is used for having solutions to problems. It does not have to be the internet or a computer but rather how human beings function. John Dewey contends that the definition of technology depends on how it is used (Hickman, 1990). On a daily basis, human beings utilize some form of technology that indirectly or directly connects them to another person in another part of the world. The access to internet and social networking sites’ participation has made the present social being of an individual adversely affected, given that it is no longer limited by locality. Instead, it has become a global existence. The technological advancements have allowed for the hearing of voices across the world through social media platforms and social networking practices. Social networking has been the main source of obtaining information on global issues, and it is done regardless of the level of inaccuracy or accuracy (Katz & Anheier, 2005).

Global Connectedness and Education
The impact that networking has had on an individual and the society in general can be traced back to 2011 when it led to the successful organization of demonstration in the Middle East. Youths from the Middle East connected through the social networks, educated the world on the current state of affairs in their region. Their triumph was exalted by the media and the internet was regarded as an important tool for social change. In essence, global connectedness and internet platforms have changed the perception of people in the society towards addressing current issues in the society (Lehtomäki & Posti-Ahokas, 2016). At present the definition of global citizenship continues to change, but it means the way an individual discovers and embraces different aspects of the world in order to become a better citizen. Global citizenship is the relationship between an individual and a governing authority, and it takes the idea of doing what is good for the local community in a global scale. Globalization has heavily impacted education. There have been increasing instances of global citizenship education for the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and perspectives by students. For students to have cultural sensitivity, self-awareness and become global citizens, they have to start cultural learning in their early ages. Therefore, by being exposed to global issues, the cultural sensitivity of a student is increased and they are equipped with the necessary tools for becoming productive global citizens (Pike, 2008).