Human Resources discussion
Subject: Business / Management
Human Resources discussion
Q1As with any subject in the management and HR literature, many authors have published articles on “best practices” in the area of global and virtual teams. Best practices are distinguished from guidelines or general practices in that best practices are supposed to be supported by empirical research. Based on your experience and knowledge, should all best practices be applied to all organizations or are there some differences that need to be considered prior to implementing best practices?
Q2Have you ever been a part of a virtual team or do you know someone who has (possibly ask around)? Describe what worked and what did not.
This reading discusses how GlobeCOM established over 50 virtual teams and how those teams designed customized hardware and created software applications, in order to support customers across five continents.
Rosen, B., Furst, S., & Blackburn, R. (2007) Overcoming barriers to knowledge sharing in virtual teams. Organizational Dynamics, 36(3), 259-273.
This article is in eReserves.
This reading reviews online learning, knowledge management, and online communication literature, and proposes a framework for understanding motivators, barriers, and enablers for successful online knowledge sharing and learning for virtual teams.
Ardichvili, A. (2008) Learning and knowledge sharing in virtual communities of practice: Motivators, barriers, and enablers. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8(10), 541-554. doi:10.1177/1523422308319536
This article is in eReserves.
In this reading the authors focus on leadership in virtual teams and how team members can develop strong relationships when they are separated by time and space.
Hart, R. K., & McLeod, P. L. (2003). Rethinking team building in geographically dispersed teams: One message at a time. Organizational Dynamics, 31(4), 352-361.
This article is in eReserves.
In this reading, the author explores the role that both proactive and reactive interventions play in virtual team challenges when it comes to technology choice.
Mitchell, A. (2012). Interventions for effectively leading in a virtual setting. Business Horizons, 55(5), 399-524.
This article is in eReserves.
This reading discusses the notion that global virtual teams require innovative communication and learning capabilities in order for different team members to effectively work together across cultural, organizational and geographical boundaries.
Zakaria, N., Amelinckx, A., & Wilemon, D. (2004). Working together apart? Building a knowledge-sharing culture for global virtual teams. Creativity and Innovation Management, 13(1), 15–29. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8691.2004.00290.x
This article is in eReserves.
In this short article, the author presents seven best practices to apply when leading a virtual team.
Klososky, S. (2016) Best practices for managing virtual teams. The Washington Network, Inc. Retrieved from
This short reading is the result of an interview by Juliet Bourke – Consulting, Partner at Deloitte – and provides 10 best practice strategies managers can apply to drive effective team outcomes in virtual teams, regardless of their teams’ level of ‘virtuality’.
Bourke, J. (2015). Leading virtual teams: Best practice insights. Deloitte. Retrieved from