HRM 591 Strategic Human Resource Management

HRM 591 Strategic Human Resource Management

HRM 591 Strategic Human Resource Management

Subject: Business / Management
HRM 591
Strategic Human Resource Management
April , 2017 Role of Employee as a Strategy
The Role of Employee as a Strategy to Enhance Productivity
Employee engagement is the fuel of an organization. And even if an organization is
good at it, we can all get better at it – and maximize that fuel. It is a vital ingredient of
individual and organizational success of any business. Engaged employees
extends themselves to meet the organization’s objectives, take voluntary
initiatives, reinforce and support the organization’s culture and values, stay
focused and vigilant, and believes they can make a positive difference.
Employee engagement has positive linkages to several bottom line
organizational outcomes for instance, productivity, profits, business growth,
quality, customer satisfaction, employee retention and job performance
(Coffnan and Gonzalez-Molina, 2002; and Sundaray, 2011).
IN MY OWN WORDS Behaviors are how we conduct ourselves, act and react, towards others. We’ve found that
successful companies understand how behaviors impact employees on an emotional level, where
much of engagement with an employer happens. They therefore value how people do their job.
You can’t have someone being a high performer but behaving badly at the same time – it sends the
wrong message. The high performers in companies where engagement is high, understand their
impact and behave in a collaborative and respectful way. IN MY OWN WORDS 2 Role of Employee as a Strategy
Employees who are more engaged at their workplace are more
efficient and productive because they are motivated beyond personal
factors. Engaged employees are more focused and more motivated than
their disengaged counterparts. This means they work more efficiently and
keep the success of the organization in mind. In 2009, Harter et al.
conducted a meta-analysis which included analysis of 199 research studies
across 152 organizations in 44 industries and 26 countries. They statistically
calculated the available data on business/work unit level relationship
between employee engagement and productivity outcomes within each
study. The studies covered 32,394 business/work units and 955,905
employees. Their findings quantified major notable differences between
business units ranking in the top and bottom 25% on engagement. They
found an 18% drop in productivity levels between the top and bottom
performers. 85% of the world’s most admired companies believe that efforts
to engage employees have reduced employee performance problems (Hay
2010). Hence, work engagement levels should be maximized by
organizations to harness highest levels of productivity from their employee.
Research conducted by the CIPD (2010) demonstrated that the impact of
employee engagement on productivity arose, at least in part, because
engaged employees were more involved and socially connected with their
work, allowing them to develop better solutions. IN MY OWN WORDS 3 Role of Employee as a Strategy 4 Engaging your team
For the employer, the benefits of employees and teams who are actively engaged with the
organization where they work include: enhanced commitment, loyalty and performance, higher
levels of discretionary effort, the development of employees’ skills and abilities, fresh and
innovative ideas and suggestions, greater synergy and productivity from the team a positive and
productive working environment. Understanding Employee Engagement is a complex and dynamic process that reflects
everyone’s unique, personal relationship with work (Litten et al, 2011).There is no universal
definition on employee engagement. Engagement has been defined in numerous different ways
by academic researchers, consultancy and research institutions and companies. In the academic
literature, employee engagement was first conceptualized by Kahn (1990) as “the harnessing of
organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express
themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances”. The cognitive
aspect of employee engagement concerns with employees’ beliefs and perspectives about the
organization, its leaders and working conditions. The emotional aspect concerns how employees
feel about each of those three factors and whether they have positive or negative attitudes toward
the organization and its leaders. The physical aspect of employee engagement concerns the
physical energies exerted by individuals to accomplish their roles. According to Kahn employees
can be engaged on one dimension and not on the other. Therefore, the more engaged the Role of Employee as a Strategy 5 employee is on each dimension, the higher his or her overall personal engagement. IN MY
OWN WORDS Get to know the team. It’s vital for any manager who wishes to engage their team to start
by getting to know them. Don’t shut yourself up in your office and keep detached from your
team. Instead practice management by walking about (MBWA). Take an interest in people as
individuals and build relationships with them. Talk to people about their work. Ask open
questions, for example:
What issues are you dealing with currently?
How do you feel things are going? How do you feel about your work? What is going well? What is not going so well? What links do you have with other departments? Are they helping you or hindering you?
What do you need most now? Role of Employee as a Strategy 6 Reference:
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development [CIPD] (2006) Reflections
on employee
engagement: Change agenda. London: CIPD.
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