Homer’s Donuts is a small-business startup looking

Homer’s Donuts is a small-business startup looking

Homer’s Donuts is a small-business startup looking

Subject: Mathematics / Statistics
Homer’s Donuts is a small-business startup looking to open its first franchise location in Smallville. Your ownership team completed its business and marketing SWOT (“strengths – weaknesses – opportunities – threats”) analyses and believes there’s a real chance for Homer’s Donuts to be a successful business!

The SWOT marketing analysis included a survey of potential customers in and around the Smallville metropolitan area. The survey asked people what pastries they would most likely buy when they stop for coffee on the way to wherever they were going. 2000 people responded to the survey, and the results are as follows:

? 1415 respondents said they would buy glazed donuts

? 1605 respondents said they would buy creme-filled frosted donuts

? 180 respondents said they would buy neither glazed nor creme-filled frosted donuts


Task 1: Interpreting the Marketing Survey: Counting

For the survey results above:

a) Create either a Venn diagram or a contingency table depicting the results of the survey.

b) Determine how many of the survey respondents would buy either a glazed donut or a creme-filled frosted donut?

c) Determine how many of the survey respondents would buy a glazed donut and a creme-filled frosted donut?

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