Explain knowledge management behaviors

Explain knowledge management behaviors

Consider the following research model that aims to explain knowledge management behaviors (knowledge collection, knowledge contribution, moderating behaviors, and knowledge utilization) in online communities of practice. The model builds on a study by Bateman et al. (2011), which defines continuance commitment, affective commitment, and normative commitments as three types of commitments exhibited by members of online communities of practice based on factors related to need, affect, and obligation respectively. In the research model, antecedents of each of these behaviors have been proposed. The provided Assignment-4.csv file has the associated data set with 449 observations (including some missing observations). Using SAS procedure PROC CALIS, perform (a) confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model and (b) analysis of relationships between constructs (hypotheses), i.e. structural model analysis. Compile a detailed data analysis report (analogous to “Data Analysis” section in a journal article).