Estimate the area of this field in terms of x and y, Mathematics

Estimate the area of this field in terms of x and y, Mathematics

Estimate the area of this field in terms of x and y, Mathematics

Jonestown High School has a soccer field whose dimensions can be expressed as 7y2 and 3xy. What is the area of this field in terms of x and y?

Since the area of the soccer ?eld would be found through the formula A = length × width, multiply the dimensions together:  7y2 × 3xy. Use the commutative property to arrange such as variables and the coef?cients next to each other: 7 × 3 × x × y2 × y. Multiply: remember that y2 × y = y2 × y1 = y2+1 = y3. The answer is 21xy3.
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