Eng101-trident university module 2
Subject: English / General English
Module 2 -Case
Narrative and Descriptive Writing
For the case you will write a three-four page, double spaced, narrative that tells a story, and you will use what you learned about description to help you bring the two kinds of writing together. Your narrative can be about any topic, but you will want to choose something that gives you plenty of information and ways to describe and tell the story. Consider using readings in the Background Info section of the module to help you think more about narrative.
Assignment: Write a three-four page, double spaced, narrative story incorporating description.
When writing make sure you consider ethos, pathos, logos and the rhetorical situation.
Write a three-four page narrative that tells a story and uses description
Use descriptive language and narrative techniques to tell your story
Use a strong introduction and conclusion
Help readers experience what you observed by being detailed and clear
Descriptive Essay
For this Session Long Project assignment I want you to go to a place like a mall or park and sit down and watch people for thirty minutes. Take notes on what your senses tell you. What do you hear, see, or smell, for example? Choose something that you saw during your observation and write a two-page description of the moment in time. Maybe you saw something in the first five-minutes of your observation or maybe it was the last five-minutes. Then before you start on the assignment below reflect on your observations.
Assignment: Write a two page, double spaced, descriptive essay using language that helps your audience experience what you experienced. Be detailed and descriptive. Remember to show not tell.
Write a two-page, double spaced descriptive essay
An introduction and conclusion
Use of descriptive language that helps your audience experience what you observed
Think creatively