drugs and behavior
First, read the following article:
Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., R. A. Miech; Bachman, J. G., and Schulenberg, J. E. (2015). Monitoring the future national results on adolescent drug use: 2015
Overview of key findings on adolescent drug use. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan. Retrieved from
http://www.monitoringthefuture.org/pubs/monographs/mtf-overview2015.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
If you have trouble linking to this article above, this article is also available In the Resources section of your Modules list, down at the bottom, entitled “Reading
for Week 6 Paper: Johnston et al., Monitoring the Future.pdf”
The Johnston et al. article is a long one, but there are a lot of graphs and reading is very interesting. Don’t wait to read this at the last minute.
This activity calls you to reflect on your present occupation or expected career and use the knowledge provided in the Johnston et al. (2015) article to describe the
kinds of issues or problems you have faced, you are facing now, or will be facing. You can do this regardless of your specific occupation or career goals. You may
take the perspective of a parent, retail worker, teacher, probation officer, police officer, or whatever. Address the questions:
What challenges do you anticipate facing from the use and abuse of drugs in your future (or present) position? Consider your work environment.
How can you be better prepared to meet those challenges?
List three things that you learned from this article that you will perhaps “take with you” after this class is over. That is, information you’re likely to remember?
Elaborate here. Don’t be superficial. Supply some details
In addition, find at least one academic journal article published in the last 15 years that relates to some aspect of the Johnston et al. (2015) article. Describe how
this journal article relates or sheds light on any issue, or assertion, or conclusion that you read in Johnston et al. (2015). Remember, let the reader know you read
the full-text article, and not merely a summary; elaborate, provide some details from your academic journal article.