

Subject: General Questions    / General General Questions

Unit 1 discussion


In the beginning of the chapter you will find a number of common motivators for entering the helping professions. Discuss your motivators for wanting to be a helping professional.


Take the Self-Assessment Inventory on pages 29-35. There are no “right answers”, rather it is a survey of your attitudes, values, and beliefs. After taking the Inventory discuss your results. Did anything suprise you? What did it tell you about yourself?

Unit 2 discussion

DQ1- Issues

Which value-laden issues (i.e. Gender-Role Identity Issues, Religious Issues, etc…) do you think are the most difficult in the therapeutic setting? Why? Try to use examples where possible.

DQ2-Key Values

What are the key values that you see as being an essential part of the helping process? If you were a counselor how would you communicate such values to your clients?

DQ3-Values Exploration

Describe values that are important to you. How did you go about establishing those values? Counselors are often faced with clients or client issues that go against the counselor’s value system. How do you imagine you would deal with such a challenge?

Unit 3 discussion

DQ1-Life Transitions

In reviewing the major life transitions referenced in your textbook, discuss which transitions were most important in your life. Make sure to reference some of the theories that are introduced and how they apply (i.e. Erickson, Armstrong, etc.).


Do you believe it is possible for people to change? What do think the process of change has been like for you? What might it be like for people you want to help?

Unit 4 discussion

DQ1-Transference and Countertransference

Discuss in your own words some of the benefits and dangers of Transference and Counter transference. What types of clients or issues may elicit a transference or countertransference response from you?

DQ2- Recognizing Transference

Given that Transference is largely an unconscious process, how would you recognize when a client is projecting onto you past attitudes of feelings they had toward significant people in their lives? How would you address this occurrence with your client?

DQ3-Difficult Clients

In reading about the different types of difficult clients (page 112), are there any that you think may be harder to treat than others? Specifically how would you handle them?

Unit 5 discussion

DQ1-Self Disclosure

What is your view on self-disclosure in the therapeutic environment? Would you disclose information about your own life? Why or why not and if so, how much? What criteria would you use to determine if self-disclosure is warranted?

DQ2-Managed Care

What is your view of the utilization of managed care? Do you think it has been a positive or a negative in terms of the helping professions? Make sure you explain why.

Unit 6 discussion


Do you think it is necessary for a counselor to have a theory he/she relies upon in the therapeutic setting? Why or why not?

DQ2-Theoretical Approach

Based upon your readings, which theoretical orientation do you think you will utilize? Why? Be sure to include specifics and give examples if necessary.

Unit 7 discussion

DQ1-Social Justice

How important do you think social justice issues are in the therapeutic setting? Why?


Review the list of cultural assumptions from chapter 7. What are some assumptions do you have that may make it harder to work with other cultural viewpoints? Make sure to explain how your assumption corresponds with the cultural viewpoint.

Unit 8 discussion


How effective are you at establishing and maintaining boundaries in your personal life? Use examples to support your claims. How do you think this effects your ability to manage boundaries in your professional life.

DQ2-Multiple Relationships

Based upon your reading, do you believe multiple relationships are fundamentally unethical or are they inevitable and sometimes not problematic? Can you think of any multiple relationships you would be willing to engage in with a counseling client?

Final paper

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Much of this course has been based around the internal preparation that is needed to become a fully capable and realized counselor or human services professional. In order to summarize the information garnered from the course, you will write a paper that outlines the type of counselor you expect to become.

Your final paper assignment is to imagine yourself becoming a counselor and what your typical day would look like. The type of counselor is up to you. For example, you could be a school counselor, a therapist in private practice, a substance abuse counselor, etc. Write about a counseling position that interests you. In describing a typical day as a future counselor, you MUST INCLUDE INFORMATION THAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED THROUGHOUT THIS CLASS. Do not discuss waking up, showering, watching the morning news and getting your children off to school. This paper must focus on your day as a counselor and points will be deducted if you discuss your morning routine or other non-relevant parts of your day.

In order to help you, here is a list of things you should work into your description:

– Your motivation for being a counselor

– Values that are important to you (and why) and how this may affect your interactions with clients.

– Any transference or countertransference issues that you have and how this may affect your interactions with clients.

– How you deal with difficult clients and boundary issues

– The theoretical approach you use and how you use it

– The range of diversity that you see

The paper must be 5-7 pages, double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12 point font. You are not required to use any other resources other than your textbook; however, you may use additional resources if you choose. Citations should be in APA style. The paper will be graded based upon the writing rubric that can be found in the “course information” tab. It is due at the end of Unit 8.

If you have any questions please contact the professor.

Quiz 1

Question 1

The Coreys encourage trainees to view their professional life as a

Question 2

If helpers hope to function effectively in a professional role, it is essential that they learn and practice the art of self-care.

Question 3

Because interests tend to be unstable, interest measurement is not generally used in career planning.

Question 4

Professionals who have experienced a wounded spirit need to

Question 5

Rehabilitation counseling is a holistic and integrated program of _____interventions.

Question 6

Making a career choice is best viewed as an ongoing process rather than an isolated event.

Question 7

The rehabilitation counseling profession is founded on humanistic values.

Question 8

At the undergraduate level, human-services programs would be most likely to train practitioners for:

Question 9

If students in the helping professions have self-doubts, they should see this as a sign that this is the wrong career for them to follow.


Question 10

Helen is seeking a specialization in the helping field that attends not only to the inner workings of a person but also to the understanding of the person in the environment. Helen should seek a degree in

Question 11

Healers are rarely able to heal others out of their own experience with psychological struggle.

Question 12

One guiding principle is to remain invested in the client’s process rather than the outcome.

Question 13

One of the typical motivations for individuals wanting to become helpers is the need for self-help.

Question 14

Non-licensed human service workers cannot expect to get a position in a community agency until they obtain a master’s or doctoral degree and become licensed.

Question 15

The desire to emulate a role model sometimes plays a part in the decision to be a helper. The Coreys refer to this as the need to

Question 16

Jim is seeking a career in the helping professions with the hope that he will exert a significant influence on the lives of those seeking help. His motivation to help others is based on the need

Question 17

In today’s world, it is increasingly important to become a generalist.

Question 18

Students often come to Brian asking advice about their relationships. He feels uneasy when he is not able to give concrete advice concerning their problem. His motivation to help others is based on the need to

Question 19

Clinical and counseling psychologists often work in the same settings.

Question 20

From a multicultural perspective, school counselors have the challenge of

Question 21

The following characteristic is not conducive to effective helping:

Question 22

The MSW (Master in Social Work) degree

Question 23

Helpers who have personal needs operating as a motivation for choosing the helping professions will most likely be ineffective in reaching clients.

Question 24

Counselors who work in an organization that has unfair practices should choose to either remain there and tolerate the conditions or find employment elsewhere. They should rarely, if ever, challenge the system.

Question 25

The need to be needed is a fairly typical motivation for becoming a helper.

Quiz 2

Question 1

Assuming that remaining married would be the best choice for a female client in an unsatisfying marriage is an example of

Question 2

As a couple’s therapist, it is unethical for the therapist to determine the goals of the individuals involved, with the exception of cases involving

Question 3

Stacey and Jim have been struggling as a couple ever since Stacey was promoted at work and given a substantial salary increase. They come to therapy with the goal of deciding whether to remain a couple or break up. As their couples therapist, it would be best if you

Question 4

The helper’s value system has a crucial influence on

Question 5

Helpers who work with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients

Question 6

Joe, age 13, has been acting out since his mother moved her boyfriend into the house a few months ago. Marge is angry with his reaction since she has been divorced for five years and thinks that she has a right to a life of her own. Joe has indicated that he feels misplaced by her boyfriend and wants to live with his father. Marge and Joe came to the counseling center to deal with her frustration and guilt regarding the situation. It would be best to start with the following:

Question 7

Which of the following is not a value on which helping relationships are based?

Question 8

Including questions in the assessment process pertaining to a client’s spirituality and religion serves which of the following purposes:

Question 9

The Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) has developed a set of specific competencies. The main purpose of these competencies is

Question 10

In cases in which clients are considering abortion, counselors can be charged with negligence when they

Question 11

What is the function of a counselor in cases pertaining to end-of-life decisions?

Question 12

Gender-role stereotypes

Question 13

Before revealing your values to a client, you should ask yourself which of the following questions?

Question 14

Based on studies of attitudes toward suicide, the decision to end one’s life is viewed as

Question 15

Justin and Nadia have been in couples counseling for over a year, yet never seem to carry out the homework assignments they are given. The counselor should

Question 16

Lucinda is seeking help to determine whether she should remain in a stagnant relationship. Her counselor should

Question 17

_____ would not look at the husband when talking about making decisions and look at the wife when talking about home matters and rearing children.

Question 18

Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a guideline for dealing with end-of-life issues?

Question 19

_____ dictate(s) that helpers seriously consider the impact of their values on their clients and the conflicts that might arise if values are sharply different.

Question 20

Rita, a private practitioner, often meets with couples who are dealing with the fallout of extramarital affairs. As an ethical practitioner, Rita should

Question 21

There should be _____instances where you would have to tell clients that you could not work with them because you do not agree with their value system.

Question 22

Working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals often presents a challenge to helpers who hold_____ values.

Question 23

Michael is hesitant to seek counseling for his work-related problems because he believes that he should find the inner strength to resolve his issues due to his strong religious values. If he decides to see a counselor, it will be important for the counselor to

Question 24

Which of the options below are unhealthy possible outcomes when therapists impose their own values?

Question 25

When you find yourself struggling with an ethical dilemma over value differences, the best course to follow is to

Quiz 3

Question 1

From Erikson’s stage of development perspective, each developmental transition stage:

Question 2

Boundaries is a term used in family therapy to refer to emotional barriers that protect and enhance the integrity of members of a system.

Question 3

According to Erikson, during the late adulthood stage, in which the task to be accomplished is integrity versus despair, the older adults who have succeeded in achieving ego integrity would not:

Question 4

It is important for you to be familiar with your family-of-origin issues if you plan to work with

Question 5

Dysfunctional families are characterized by each member having a separate life.

Question 6

Erikson was the theorist who stated that imagination is a key gift during the first half of middle childhood.

Question 7

Family rules generally prevent growth of individuals within a family.

Question 8

Nancy, a high school senior, feels pressured by her parents to pursue a nursing degree right after graduation; however, she is uncertain about her future direction. She recently started dating, has developed new friendships, and would like to postpone college to see what it’s like to have a life. Nancy is working on which of Erikson’s developmental tasks?

Question 9

Identifying and resolving unfinished business related to your family of origin is essential if you hope to establish relationships that do not repeat negative patterns of interaction.

Question 10

A major problem of the generativity versus stagnation stage can be

Question 11

Erikson’s model of the stages of human growth and development contends that there is a crisis to be resolved.

Question 12

Bowen was the family therapist and theorist who preferred to engage clients in a rules transformation process.

Question 13

Being an integrated person

Question 14

After questioning Joe, the counselor discovers that he has had learning problems all of his life and that school was a painful place since he was constantly taunted by his peers. Joe’s fear of new challenges and lack of initiative is a result of failing to achieve mastery over the following task:

Question 15

The concept of individuation and separation from one’s family can easily lead to conflicts in one’s family relationships in some cultures.

Question 16

According to Erikson, crisis implies the unsuccessful resolution of earlier personality conflicts.

Question 17

Erikson’s model is holistic and is based on a psychosocial perspective.

Question 18

Family rules include which of the following?

Question 19

Family therapists generally assume that it is inevitable that they will meet parts of their family in every other family with whom they have a professional relationship.

Question 20

Individuation is a state of psychological separateness from one’s family.

Question 21

How people look and feel during late adulthood is more than a matter of physical age, it is largely a matter of attitude.

Question 22

As an abused child, Robin made the early decision that anger was a useless emotion and that she would never allow herself to feel angry. Robin is presently going into the counseling field and realizes that her denial of anger will

Question 23

Phyllis, a 35-year old housewife and mother, has returned to college. Her educational experiences have led her to broaden her view of sex roles, although she still feels unsure of herself. Her counselor might conclude that her sex-role foundation is confused and she may have not formed a healthy picture of appropriate feminine behavior during her

Question 24

As helpers begin to practice counseling, it is likely that many of them will become aware that they are taking on a professional role that resembles the role they played in their family.

Question 25

By studying their own families of origin, helpers are able to

Quiz 4

Question 1

A sign of a competent counselor is the ability to eliminate countertransference reactions altogether.

Question 2

Anxiety can be a normal reaction to facing a new or threatening situation.

Question 3

Barbara constantly compliments and attempts to flatter her counselor with statements such as: You’re such a neat person. I’m glad that you’re my counselor. You are the reason that I am feeling better. The best counselor response would be

Question 4

Simply having feelings toward a client

Question 5

Anxiety can render an intern unable to pay attention to the client; thus, interns who feel anxious should find a new professional path to follow.

Question 6

If clients have an expectation that you will take care of them in ways that their parents never did, it probably means that

Question 7

It is useful to think of resistance as:

Question 8

Countertransference is an indication that a therapist has major personality problems.

Question 9

It is highly unlikely that a client who views his therapist with great admiration and affection will also feel ambivalent about him.

Question 10

Clients who make demands on helpers and who are unable to recognize boundaries often exhibit transference reactions.

Question 11

Self-knowledge is the helper’s most basic tool in dealing effectively with transference and countertransference.

Question 12

Every time Dan arrives at his therapist’s office for a session, she runs late because the previous client seems to need extra time at the end of his sessions. Dan is livid and complains quite loudly that he is angry and wants to know why she is always running late for her appointments. You can assume that

Question 13

Resistant clients often make helpers feel incompetent and bring out their feelings of inadequacy and anger.

Question 14

Recognizing and dealing therapeutically with transference and countertransference are major concerns for most practitioners.

Question 15

If you had a client who appeared to work very hard at getting you to push him or her away, what would be the most therapeutic way of dealing with this situation?

Question 16

Practitioners who have feelings toward a client can be certain that they are experiencing countertransference reactions.

Question 17

Clients who rely on their intellect much of the time tend to be defensive, yet those who constantly express emotions may also be using their behavior as a defense.

Question 18

A sign that countertransference may be occurring is when the counselor recognizes that he or she

Question 19

Clients who talk excessively often are displaying resistance.

Question 20

John seeks your help because his wife has threatened to leave him if he doesn’t improve his communication. He tells you that he is a loner and that his wife knew that when she married him. John claims that their marriage is fine and is there only to appease his wife. An ineffective way to deal with John would be to

Question 21

The Corey’s encourage trainees to approach resistive behaviors with

Question 22

Jane arrives at each weekly counseling session with a disaster. She usually starts each session with, “You won’t believe what happened to me this week…” and continues with a litany of woes. The most appropriate counselor response would be:


Question 23

Helpers who work with the seriously ill or dying are particularly vulnerable to the effects of countertransference.

Question 24

If clients will not let themselves get emotionally close to you, it means that

Question 25

Michael is seeking counseling because he is lonely and is looking for ways to meet people. You suggest various places to meet others, yet each suggestion is met with a “Yes, but” response. Frustrated, you sense that you are working harder than Michael to generate solutions. You should

Quiz 5

Question 1

Helper self-disclosure typically detracts from the client’s agenda and tends to be inappropriate and unprofessional.

Question 2

Helpers who have little self-awareness are at best

Question 3

Assessment consists of evaluating the relevant factors in a client’s life to identify themes for further exploration in the counseling process.

Question 4

Helpers should encourage clients to develop plans that they can carry out mainly with the support of others.

Question 5

Conducting an initial assessment generally occurs at which stage of helping?

Question 6

Confirmatory bias includes which of the following?

Question 7

It is essential that an assessment be completed during the intake interview, for if this is not done, there is no basis to determine which treatment strategies to use.

Question 8

Living in an encapsulated environment and seeing only what confirms your existing belief system is known as

Question 9

Contracts are a useful way to evaluate the outcomes of a helping process.

Question 10

Effective planning strategies have the following characteristics:

Question 11

Helping is both an art and a science.

Question 12

Understanding the client’s environment should not be of concern when providing counseling services.

Question 13

Diagnosis, which is sometimes part of the assessment process, consists of identifying a specific psychological or behavioral problem based on a pattern of symptoms.

Question 14

If helpers are going to confront a client’s behavior, they need to earn the right to confront and it is essential that they know their motivations for confronting.

Question 15

Clients need to state their goals in such a manner that both they and the helper will know what changes are desired.

Question 16

A helper’s orientation to the helping process is largely a function of the helper’s beliefs about human nature and about how people change.

Question 17

Before you accept a position in any setting, it is essential that you understand _____because this influences the manner in which the agency functions.

Question 18

Effective helpers

Question 19

Confrontation is not intended to attack a client, rather confrontation helps clients to examine problematic behaviors.

Question 20

Of the following statements, which is the one most characteristic of an effective helper?

Question 21

Jane assumes that most people don’t want to change and that the best way to get through the client’s resistance is to employ very directive and highly confrontational techniques. Holding these beliefs, she

Question 22

The first step in establishing a working relationship is

Question 23

During the first stage of the helping relationship, each is given attention except for which of the following?

Question 24

During which stage do clients most address specific feelings, thoughts, and behaviors they would most like to change?

Question 25

During the initial stage in the helping process, which of the following would be least applicable?

Quiz 6

Question 1

Existential therapists are not bound by any prescribed procedures and can use techniques from other schools.

Question 2

Cognitive therapy rests on the assumption that feelings are the major determinants of how we think and act.

Question 3

Gestalt therapy is considered a form of cognitive behavior therapy.

Question 4

Adlerian therapy tends to have a psycho-educational focus, a present and future orientation, and is a brief, time-limited approach.

Question 5

Gestalt therapy focuses on all of the following except for

Question 6

Cognitive therapists are continuously active and deliberately interactive with the client.

Question 7

From a family systems perspective, being a healthy person involves

Question 8

If your approach to helping emphasizes clients examining their beliefs about themselves and about their world, your interventions will tend to focus on

Question 9

A hallmark of behavior therapy is the identification of specific goals at the outset of the therapeutic process.

Question 10

Although behavior therapists do not emphasize the client-therapist relationship, they consider a good working relationship as an essential precondition for effective therapy.

Question 11

If your approach to helping puts emphasis on gaining insight, much of your time with clients will likely be spent in

Question 12

Alfred Adler was a pioneer of an approach that is holistic, social, goal oriented, systemic, and humanistic.

Question 13

In reality therapy, clients are expected to conduct an evaluation of their current behavior to determine if they want to change.

Question 14

For psychoanalytically oriented therapists, both transference and countertransference are central aspects in the relationship.

Question 15

Family therapists function as

Question 16

All of the following are concepts associated with Adlerian therapy except for which of the following?

Question 17

Emphasizing the crucial role of the therapist’s attitude, which approach most focuses on the therapeutic relationship rather than being technique-centered?

Question 18

A behavior therapist is not interested in collaboratively specifying treatment goals; rather he or she selects treatment goals in concrete and measurable terms.

Question 19

Gestalt therapists focus on the “what” and “how” of a client’s behavior.

Question 20

Adlerian therapists explore with clients the basic life tasks.

Question 21

Existential therapy places emphasis on

Question 22

A key contribution of solution-focused brief therapy is moving away from what is wrong with a person to emphasizing creative possibilities.

Question 23

An emphasis of reality therapy is on assuming personal responsibility and on dealing with the present.

Question 24

As a way to put clients in the position of being the experts about their own lives, solution-focused brief therapists

Question 25 In narrative therapy, the therapist

Quiz 7

Question 1

Overall, persons with disabilities remain the most disenfranchised group in almost every society, regardless of their ethnicity.

Question 2

People with disabilities generally report _____more than _____as major impediments in living with a disability.

Question 3

Psychosocial adjustment services for persons with disabilities are focused on

Question 4

Multiculturalism has been considered as the third force in the helping professions.

Question 5

A comparison of Western and Eastern systems shows some striking differences in value orientations. Individuals coming from a Western culture tend to place prime value on

Question 6

Clients with an Eastern orientation are likely to place a high value on

Question 7

Most helpers assume that no effective helping can occur unless clients reveal themselves (engage in self-disclosure) in the helping relationship.

Question 8

Directness and assertiveness are values that all clients will feel comfortable in subscribing to.

Question 9

It is essential that helpers understand their assumptions about family values if they hope to effectively work with culturally diverse families.

Question 10

It is realistic to expect that effective helpers will have an in-depth knowledge of all cultural backgrounds.

Question 11

Culturally skilled helpers

Question 12

Culturally skilled helpers are willing to acknowledge their own racist attitudes, beliefs, and feelings.

Question 13

Persons with disabilities are often unemployed and underemployed, and many live below the poverty line.

Question 14

From a(n) _____ perspective, the goal of helping is to promote the empowerment of people who are marginalized and oppressed in our society.

Question 15

Since persons with disabilities often have complex issues, it is best to submit an assessment of their needs immediately after your first meeting with them, so they can start receiving services right away.

Question 16

Becoming an ethical and effective helper in a multicultural society is

Question 17

Multicultural counseling refers to practices that integrate cultural-specific

Question 18

Ethnographic variables refers to

Question 19

In a sense, all helping relationships are multicultural.

Question 20

Individuals with disabilities may be physically challenged in some way, but these disabilities can often be overcome.

Question 21

Culturally skilled helpers are convinced that traditional concepts and helping strategies are appropriate for all clients and for all problems.

Question 22

Historically, much of the language used to refer to “the disability experience,” as portrayed in the print and electronic media, has communicated a(n) _____attitude toward persons with disabilities.

Question 23

Adopting a multicultural perspective allows us to think about diversity without polarizing issues into right or wrong.

Question 24

Helpers who view themselves as being without any stereotypes, biases, and prejudices are underestimating the impact of their socialization.

Question 25

It is essential that helpers develop interventions that are based on the assumption that persons with disabilities have the right to control their own lives.

Quiz 8

Question 1

Most of the professional codes of ethics specifically address the topic of giving or receiving gifts in the therapeutic relationship.

Question 2

Most of the professional codes prohibit the practice of bartering in a counseling relationship.

Question 3

Bartering is not prohibited by ethics or law.

Question 4

Nonsexual dual or multiple relationships tend to be complex, and few of the questions surrounding them have simple and absolute answers.

Question 5

Jenny’s adolescent cousin recently got into trouble with the law. Jenny was asked by her family to counsel him since she knows the family history from a personal point of view. If Jenny did counsel her cousin, she would

Question 6

If a dual relationship is unavoidable, it is a good idea for helpers to document and monitor their practices.

Question 7

A study showed that when deciding whether or not to accept gifts from clients, psychologists were more likely to accept gifts that were

Question 8

A boundary violation is a serious breach that causes harm to the client.

Question 9

Discussing sexual feelings about clients

Question 10

Lucia is considering developing a multiple or dual relationship with her client. It’s important for Lucia to remember

Question 11

According to the codes of ethics of all helping professions, making friends with former clients is always considered unethical because of the power differential.

Question 12

Martin has been Joanna’s counselor for five years and has developed a strong attraction to her. He believes the attraction is mutual and decides to pursue a sexually intimate relationship with her. Martin is disregarding the fact that

Question 13

According to some writers, some dual relationships can alter the power differential between helpers and clients in a way that is healing to clients.

Question 14

Ethical codes are quite clear regarding how to address dual relationships, which means that dealing with dual relationships is a clear-cut matter.

Question 15

A boundary crossing is a departure from standard practice that could potentially benefit clients.

Question 16

Codes of ethics deal _____with setting appropriate boundaries, recognizing potential conflicts of interest, and taking steps to manage multiple relationships.

Question 17

A case could be made that bartering is below the minimum standard of practice.

Question 18

Departures from commonly accepted practices that could potentially benefit clients are referred to as

Question 19

In the case of avoidable dual relationships, if the benefits outweigh the risks, the relationship may be justified.

Question 20

Dual or multiple relationships are not necessarily harmful, unethical, or unprofessional.

Question 21

Home visits, and out of office visits fall into the category of

Question 22

Helpers virtually always perform a singular role when working with clients.

Question 23

According to some writers, graduate education tends to escalate students’ fears of licensing agencies and lawsuits.

Question 24

Dual/multiple relationships are generally discouraged because

Question 25

It is always desirable that helpers avoid engaging in dual or multiple relationships.

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