Does protecting disenfranchised minorities
Subject: General Questions   / General General Questions
Q1: Does protecting disenfranchised minorities’ right to vote, positively or negatively effect the outcome of an election? One, might agrue that what is in best interest for the lower class, is not always what is in the best interest of all other classes. This is one of the main reason’s why the electoral college was initially created. However, one also may argue that the lower classes make up a substantial part of a countries demographic. I believe a rational fear exist in the representation of so-called minorities without photo identification. For instance, a Presidential candidate fighting against photo identification rights to vote may be using that as a ploy to gain public opinion from his targeted “minority” to gain office. Do you believe that the interest of politician’s who argue against the photo ID mandate, are for the betterment of the country, or are politicians manipulating disenfranchised voters for selfish gains, why or why not? Explain.
Do you think it was a good move for Senator Paul to team up with a Democrat? Was it for the good of the Senate, or simply to give his name more value and exposure? What do you think about giving criminals the right to vote? Are you for it, or against it, and why?
Q3: Do individuals who own homes later on in life, or end up never owning homes, still exhibit the age 30 theory? Is there any opnion or research that suggests that this theory is true for young adults around the world?
Q4:”Domestic violence: The next front in the gun control fight.”
Without a doubt has been controversy and frequent debate about gun control. This article sheds light on the fact that “46 women are shot and killed by a current or former domestic partner each month and that more than half of women murdered are killed by their current or former partners.”
Do you think these facts regarding domestic abuse might push the debate toward gun control or disarmament? Are you surprised by these statistics, if so why? Where do you stand in the gun control debate?