Describe the global polio situation in terms of the epidemiologic

Describe the global polio situation in terms of the epidemiologic

Describe the global polio situation in terms of the epidemiologic

Subject: Health Care / General Health Care
Polio will prayerfully be eradicated soon. The following questions all deal with the present polio situation and the public health response toward this disease.

Describe the global polio situation in terms of the epidemiologic characteristics of person, place, and time. (15 points)
2. Using constructs of existing social and behavioral theories, create your own model for an intervention to improve polio vaccine coverage in countries where the wild strain of the disease continues to occur. This must be a new model that consists of at least 4 constructs, one of which deals with some aspect of faith or spirituality. Show their interrelationship and what outcomes you expect. (20 points)
Assume you are the Minister of Health for a country with active polio transmission.
Craft a culturally sensitive public health law to be enacted at the national level to improve immunization coverage. (10points)
Identify critical stakeholders from this community approach to deal with the disease.
Include agencies or representatives from both the private and public sectors. (10 points)
4. Impact (short range) objectives may assess changes in knowledge, attitudes/beliefs, skills, behavior, access to care, healthcare utilization, and other risk factors.
Design a protocol to assess the impact on at least 3 of the factors of the public health law you have proposed for improving immunization coverage for polio. (10 points)
Write a SMART impact objective to measure the change in for one of the factors you have identified. (5 points)
As the public health leader for your nation you are responsible to provide both the management and leadership for the newly enacted polio vaccination program you have proposed.
Describe at least 5 aspects of management needed to effectively conduct the new program. (10 points)
What is necessary to provide the leadership to make your program successful? (10 points)
A particular district of your nation had a higher incidence rate for polio last year compared to the rest of the country. That region has been traditionally been resistant to vaccination efforts. You have commissioned a case-control study for the village to evaluate the situation after a recent outbreak of the disease in the area to measure vaccination status among the 63 poliomyelitis cases and 126 age- and neighborhood-matched controls. Cases were found to be under-vaccinated through routine immunization (matched odds ratio [MOR], 0.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.1–0.5).
What do the odds ratio and given confidence interval indicate? (3 points)
How was the odds ratio calculated? (3 points)
Write a press release to announce the results of the study to effectively communicate the need for polio vaccination to the lay population in your district. (4 points)
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