DBST 651 9040 – Fall 2014

DBST 651 9040 – Fall 2014

DBST 651 9040 – Fall 2014


Name:                    			Date:

1.	Midterm exam is due Sunday the 26th of October, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST. 

2.	Late submission - 10% penalty per day will be applied up to five days. After these five days zero credit will be given.

3.	This is an online (take-home) exam, please do not interact or collaborate with class members while completing this exam.

4.	The midterm exam is in two parts: Multiple Choice (50 Points) and Hands-on (50 points).

5.	Your responses should be submitted as two word documents with filename including your first initial of your first name and last name formatted – example lmorettoMidterm_part1.doc and lmorettoMidterm_part2.doc. 

6.	Submissions: please post the files as an attachment in assignment folder for midterm exam. Please don’t forget to sign the Honor Pledge. 

7.	Please use the response sheet below for Part I. 
Please sign the following statement
Independent Work Statement
I solemnly affirm, acknowledge and certify that my responses to this examination were completed without any contact with other persons during or before the examination.

I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any assistance on this examination and certify that the enclosed responses are solely my own work.

Signed _____________________________ Date_______________________

Midterm Part I: Response Sheet

Question #:	Response


1.	Which of the following is a characteristic of databases? 
	A)	Many users can use the same database at the same time 
	B)	Different database entities can be connected to provide more information 
	C)	Relevant business data are stored in a database 
	D)	All of the above 

2.	 A(n) ____ enables a database administrator to define schema components. 
A)	extensible markup language (XML)
B)	data definition language (DDL)
C)	unified modeling language (UML)
D)	query language

Use the following to answer questions 4 - 5:

A database table consists of the following columns: employee's name, SS#, job-title, hiring-date, years-in-job, base-salary.  A bonus calculation program, a personnel promotion application program, and a payroll application program all use this table.  To implement a policy change in personnel promotion, the following column is added to the table: highest-college-degree. This new column is not used by the payroll program or by the bonus calculation program. 

3.	 The following application program will be modified to accommodate the change to the database table: 
	A)	The bonus calculation program 
	B)	The personnel promotion application program 
	C)	The payroll application program 
	D)	All of the above 

4.	 The ability to add the new column without requiring changes to all of the application programs strongly relates to the following feature of modern database systems: 
	A)	Nonprocedural programming 
	B)	Transaction processing 
	C)	Data independence 
	D)	Data sharing 

5.	 Entity Relationship Diagrams are input to the following phase of Database Development: 
	A)	Logical Database Design 
	B)	Conceptual Data Modeling 
	C)	Physical Database Design
	D)	Distributed Database Design 

6.	Advantages of a DBMS are: 
A)	Improved data sharing and data security
B)	Better data integration
C)	Minimized data inconsistency and increase end-user productivity
D)	Improved data access and decision making 
E)	All of the above 

7.	In a relational table the order of the rows and columns are immaterial to the DBMS

True		False 

Use the following to answer Questions 8-11
 The following data are in the tables Employee (primary key: Empno) and Department (primary key: Deptno). The questions refer to row numbers of this table. The first row of each table is row #1. Empdeptno in table Employee is a foreign key that refers to Deptno in the table Department. Deptmgr in the table Department is a foreign key that refers to Empno in the table Employee.

8.	Which of the following statements is true? 
A. Row #7 of table Employee violates neither the entity integrity rule nor the referential integrity rule.
B. Row #7 of table Employee violates the entity integrity rule.
C. Row #7 of table Employee violates the referential integrity rule.
D. Row #7 of table Employee violates both the entity integrity rule and the referential integrity rule.
9.	An inner join only returns matched records from the tables that are being joined. 
True		False
10.	Which of the following columns of the table Department is a foreign key? 
A. Deptno
B. Deptname
C. Deptcity
D. Deptmgr
11.	The values shown in the table Department: 
A. violate neither the entity integrity rule nor the referential integrity rule
B. violate the entity integrity rule
C. violate the referential integrity rule
D. violates both the entity integrity rule and the referential integrity rule

12.	In the relational model, ____ are important because they are used to ensure that each row in a table is uniquely identifiable. 
	A) Relations 
	B) Indexes 
	C) Keys 
		D) Logical structures
13.	Entity Supertype Contains unique characteristics of each entity subtype

True 		False

14.	The ____  is not supported directly in the relational environment.  
	A) M:N 
	B) 1:M 
	C) M:1 
	D) 1:1 

15.	 A ____ occurs when you have one entity in two 1:M relationships to other entities, thus producing an association among the other entities that is not expressed in the model.
A) Surrogate primary keys		
B) time-variant data	
C) Design trap
D) Fan trap 

16.	The following step occurs first in the process of building an ERD: ____. 
	A) Develop the initial ERD. 
	B) Identify the business rules based on the description of operations. 
	C) Identify the attributes and primary keys that adequately describe the entities.
	D) Create a detailed narrative of the organization’s description of operations. 

17.	When the PK of one entity does not contain the PK of a related entity, the relationship is ____. 
	A) Weak 
	B) Strong 
	C) Neutral 
	D) Missing 

18.	 In Crow's Foot notation, the symbol 
Denotes one or many; the “many” side is optional
True		False 
19.	 Entities corresponds to table and not to row in relational environment
True		False

20.	The ________________ key is an attribute or a combination of attributes in one table whose values must either match the primary key in another table or be be null

A)	Super Key
B)	Candidate Key
C)	Primary Key
D)	Foreign Key 
E)	Secondary Key 

21.	The three stage process in natural joins are:

A)	Product, Union, Project
B)	Product, Select, Intersect
C)	Product, Select, Project  

22.	Composite attribute can be subdivided 

True		False 

23.	In a supertype subtype relationship

A)	Subtype entities inherit attributes and relationships of supertype
B)	All entity subtypes inherit their primary key attribute from their supertype
C)	Entity subtypes inherit all relationships in which supertype entity participates
D)	All of the above.

24.	Characteristics  of Primary Key include:
a.	Must have unique values and should be intelligent
b.	Should be nonintelligent and not change over time
c.	Must not change over time and composed of several attribute 

25.	Third Normal Form is often as high as needed in normalization

True 		False