Critical Barriers That Impact the Health Week 3 Help
Subject: Health Care   / General Health Care
Week 3 help
For the second written assignment of the course, you will continue in the design of your proposed model program by demonstrating your understanding of your selected population’s challenges, which negatively impact this group’s health and well-being. Based on this week’s research, conduct an assessment of the barriers, limitations, and other distinguishing features, as they exist within your community. Your paper, at a minimum, must contain the following elements:
a. A description of at least three critical barriers that impact the health and well-being of a chosen group; one must be a micro-level (individual) barrier that is financial, one must be a macro-level (community/state) barrier that relates to access and funding for care, and the third barrier may be one of your choosing.
b. An analysis of the regulatory, legal, ethical, and accreditation requirements/issues that relate to these barriers (you are required to use outside sources, such as those found in the Ashford University Library, to address this section in sufficient detail).
c. Identify and describe at least one proposed solution for each barrier. Your solution for the micro barrier must include an analysis of various potential funding options (both independent and integrated). Your solution for the macro barrier must include an analysis of financing resources for health care.