

Students are asked to develop a critical essay of 4,000 words maximum, by developing a set of balanced arguments in support and in opposition to one of the statements below. Students should see each statement as a specific research project which they need to explore separately from the lecture material which will be much more general in nature. Students need to draw on theoretical and practical/empirical arguments for against each statement. Please note that students can also pick another statement such as the relationship of business ethics or corporate governance or corporate social responsibility etc with organizational performance if their interest and emerging research highlights significant potential in such a relationship.   

1.	Managing organizational culture effectively is crucial for successful organizational performance.
2.	Managing organizational change effectively is crucial for successful organizational performance.
3.	Choosing the appropriate organizational purpose is crucial for successful organizational performance.
4.	Choosing the appropriate leadership style is crucial for successful organizational performance.
5.	Choosing the appropriate organizational structure is crucial for successful organizational performance.

•	References Cited. This section of the critical essay has no word limit, but must contain at the very least 10 quality academic journal article references cited in your critical essay.

You may use tables where the information you are providing lends itself to this type of presentation, and submit appendices; neither of these will be included in the word count but excessive use of appendices or inappropriate use of tables will be penalised. 

Criteria for Assessment

Aberdeen Business School
Dept. of Management	Performance, Planning and Decision-Making	Coursework Title: Individual Critical Essay	 

Student Matriculation No:		Coursework No: 1: 100% of overall mark
Outstanding Performance	COMMENDABLE
Meritorious Performance	GOOD
Competent Performance	SATISFACTORY
Adequate Performance	THRESHOLD
Borderline FAIL
open to compensation	FAIL		
IDENTIFICATION OF BALANCED ARGUMENTS	Has effectively  identified (almost) all the arguments in support and in opposition to the statement  with no erroneous inclusions. 	Has included most of the anticipated arguments in support and in opposition to the statement  	Has included at least two thirds of the anticipated  arguments in support and in opposition to the statement perhaps focusing on one side of the arguments more than the other.	Has included half of the. arguments in support and in opposition to the statement perhaps focusing on one side of the argument much more than the other.
	Has included minimal arguments in support and in opposition to the statement  	Has included almost none of the anticipated arguments in support and in opposition to the statement.	Minimal Effort	
REFERENCING	Referencing clear, relevant and consistently accurate. Appropriate number, all relevant.	Referencing relevant and mostly accurate. Appropriate number, most relevant	Minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing. Some shortfall in number, most relevant	Referencing present but had inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Some shortfall in number, more than half relevant	Very limited referencing including some inconsistencies and inaccuracies. 	Referencing inaccurate or absent.	Minimal Effort	
& PRESENTATION	Clarity of expression excellent, consistently accurate use of grammar and spelling with fluent professional/academic writing  style. 	Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar and spelling accurate and language fluent.	Language mainly fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Communication of thoughts and ideas beginning to be affected.	Meaning apparent in most instances, but language not always fluent, grammar and spelling poor/moderate.	Often ambiguous, leading to meaning being barely apparent. Language, grammar and spelling poor.	Purpose and meaning of assignment unclear. Language, grammar and spelling poor.	Minimal Effort	
APPLICATION OF ARGUMENTS	Has effectively/correctly provided many, insightful workplace examples to support these arguments.	Has effectively/correctly provided sufficient workplace examples to support these arguments.	Has effectively/correctly provided some workplace examples to support these arguments.	Has effectively/correctly provided a few workplace examples to support these arguments perhaps with a lack of depth or only around one side of the argument	Very limited workplace examples to support these arguments.	No real workplace examples.	Minimal Effort	
	Critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis within assignment rigorous and appropriate. 	Good clear evidence of critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis carried out within assignment. 	Critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis reasonably well carried out. 	Some attempt at critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis within assignment.  	Very limited attempt at critical thought, evaluation and/or analysis within assignment..	No attempt at critical thought/evaluation or analysis within assignment	Minimal Effort	
Guidance: The shaded column represents that the different parts of the assessment with their relative % weighting for this coursework; running horizontally from this are the criteria (or evidence) (s)he seeks to award each grade. This is repeated for all the sources of assessment criteria. Each piece of work would then be assessed and the appropriate boxes ticked, which would then be aggregated to give an overall grade for the piece of work. 

Indicative Grade 										Marker 

Repetition of academic theory will not attract a high grade.  You should aim to identify relevant theories and use these to justify your answers to the questions posed.  IN ALL CASES your answers must be applied to the question.

“Plagiarism is the practice of presenting the thoughts, writings or other output of another or others as original, without acknowledgement of their source(s). All material used to support a piece of work, whether a printed publication or from electronic media, should be appropriately identified and referenced and should not normally be copied directly unless as an acknowledged quote. Text translated into the words of the individual student should in all cases acknowledge the source.” For further information please see 
Before submitting assignments, you should check through it to ensure that: 
• all material identified as originally from a previously published source has been properly attributed by the inclusion of an appropriate reference in the text; 

• direct quotations are marked as such (using “quotation marks” at the beginning and end of the selected text), and 

• a citation has been included in the list of references at the end of the text. 

The penalty for late submission of a piece of coursework, without valid reason, is that the coursework will be regarded as a non-submission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost. There may also a penalty for deviating substantially from the word length or for poor spelling and grammar (deduction of up to 1 grade point from final grade for poor spelling and grammar and deduction of 1 grade point for deviations in excess of +/- 10% of the specified word count). 
Students are encouraged to review their work using the Turnitin/JISC Plagiarism Detection Service, although there is not a specific manadatory requirement to do so for this module..