Considering the core value of responsible stewardship

Considering the core value of responsible stewardship

Considering the core value of responsible stewardship

Subject: Business / Management
Here are the 12 questions needing brief answers.

1. Considering the core value of responsible stewardship, describe some ways in which population growth, inequality, and economic development have accelerated the world’s ecological crisis, and what we can do about it.

2. Considering the core value of responsible stewardship, define the steps the world business community can take to reduce ecological damage and promote sustainable development.

3. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different regulatory approaches.

4. Within the context of responsible stewardship, provide an argument for or against workers’ right to organize unions and bargain collectively from and ethical, social, and /or legal point of view.

5. Within the context of responsible stewardship, describe the limits of employers’ duty to provide job security to their workers

6. Discuss some ways the workforce of the united states is diverse, and within the context of responsible stewardship how the organization can draw upon the skills of an increasingly diverse force.

7. Discuss the evolving phases of technology throughout history and what fuels technology innovation today

8. In light of the increasing availability of and access to information, evaluate potential breaches of privacy and initiatives taken by business to manage stakeholders’ policy

9. With regards to the core value of integrity, explain the role and responsibility of the organization’s chief information officer and how information media can be viewed as a public issue.

10. Describe the ways in which government regulatory agencies protect consumers and what kind of products are most likely to be regulated? Are there arrears where consumer protection might be missing?

11. Discuss how different forms of corporate giving contribute to building strong relationships between business and communities? Using the core value of excellence, discuss explain how corporate giving can be a win-win situation for both the organization and the community.

12. Define a community, and explain the interdependencies between companies and the communities in which they operate. Also debate the balance between stockholder rights as opposed to other stakeholders in the community
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