Budget Tools Chapter 06 Exercise

Budget Tools Chapter 06 Exercise

1. Examine Table 6.1 (a spreadsheet version of which is available on the attached CD in the folder labeled "Budget Tools Chapter 06 Exercise") to answer the following questions:
* Are total revenues growing faster or more slowly than expenditures? Show the annual growth rates for revenues and expenditures in a table.
* What is New York City's fastest-growing category of expenditure during the planning period?
* What percentage of New York City revenues comes from the general property tax? How much is this tax growing in each year of the financial plan?
New York City Financial Plan						
October 2007						
($ in millions)						
Revenues	FY 2008	FY 2009	FY 2010	FY 2011		
General Property Tax	 $12,984 	 $14,100 	 $15,186 	 $16,171 		
Other Taxes	 22,215 	 21,456 	 22,221 	 22,696 		
Discretionary Transfers (1)	 546 	 -   	 -   	 -   		
Tax Audit Revenue	 659 	 559 	 560 	 560 		
Tax Reduction Program	 (68)	 (239)	 (283)	 (301)		
Subtotal: Taxes	 $36,336 	 $35,876 	 $37,684 	 $39,126 		
Miscellaneous Revenue	 6,063 	 5,084 	 5,101 	 5,134 		
Unrestricted Intergovernmental Aid	 340 	 340 	 340 	 340 		
Less: Intra-City Revenue	 (1,457)	 (1,367)	 (1,368)	 (1,368)		
Disallowances Against Categorical Grants	 (15)	 (15)	 (15)	 (15)		
Subtotal: City Funds	 $41,267 	 $39,918 	 $41,742 	 $43,217 		
Other Categorical Revenues	 1,067 	 1,007 	 1,012 	 1,014 		
Inter-Fund Revenues	 436 	 411 	 403 	 398 		
Total City Funds and Inter-Fund Revenues	 $42,770 	 $41,336 	 $43,157 	 $44,629 		
Federal Categorical Grants	 5,606 	 5,373 	 5,358 	 5,344 		
State Categorical Grants	 10,958 	 11,424 	 12,289 	 12,733 		
Total Revenues	 $59,334 	 $58,133 	 $60,804 	 $62,706 		
Personal Service						
Salary and Wages	 $21,189 	 $22,323 	 $24,082 	 $25,353 		
Pensions	 5,728 	 6,265 	 6,318 	 6,404 		
Fringe Benefits	 6,406 	 6,815 	 7,282 	 7,795 		
Subtotal: Personal Service	 $33,323 	 $35,403 	 $37,682 	 $39,552 		
Other Than Personal Service						
Medical Assistance	 5,797 	 5,602 	 5,756 	 5,916 		
Public Assistance	 1,187 	 1,187 	 1,187 	 1,187 		
Pay-As-You-Go Capital	 100 	 200 	 200 	 200 		
All Other (1)	 18,044 	 17,547 	 17,971 	 18,376 		
Subtotal: Other Than Personal Service	 $25,128 	 $24,536 	 $25,114 	 $25,679 		
General Obligation, Lease & MAC Debt Service (1,2,3)	 3,837 	 3,896 	 4,247 	 5,002 		
FY 2007 Budget Stabilization & Discretionary Transfers (1)	 (4,052)	 -   	 -   	 -   		
FY 2008 Budget Stabilization (2)	 2,255 	 (2,255)	 -   	 -   		
FY 2009 Budget Stabilization (3)	 -   	 350 	 (350)	 -   		
General Reserve	 300 	 300 	 300 	 300 		
Subtotal	 $60,791 	 $62,230 	 $66,993 	 $70,533 		
Less: Intra-City Expenditures	 (1,457)	 (1,367)	 (1,368)	 (1,368)		
Total Expenditures	 $59,334 	 $60,863 	 $65,625 	 $69,165 		
Gap To Be Closed	 $- 	 $(2,730)	 $(4,821)	 $(6,459)		
(1) FY 2007 Budget Stabilization and Discretionary Transfers total $4.663 billion, including prepayments of subsidies of $639 million,						
Budget Stabilization of $3.313 billion, lease debt service  of $100 million, $65 million in debt retirement and a TFA grants which						
increases FY 2008 revenues by $546 million.						
(2) FY 2008 Budget Stabilization totals $2.255 billion.						
(3) FY 2009 Budget Stabilization totals $350 million.