Brain Tumor or Brain Cancer Paper

Brain Tumor or Brain Cancer Paper

Subject: Biology    / General Biology
Brain Tumor or Brain cancer

What do you know about your topic?

Is there a synonym or similar idea of your topic? Is there another way to say or spell it?

How would you broaden the search for information of your topic? Is there a large subject that might include your topic?

Use scientific terms to narrow your focused information. What are narrower terms of your topic? Is there a smaller subject that might be worth look up?

What are causes of your topic?

What are effects of your topic?

Narrow your research. Choose one between causes and effects and write three points.

Write Essay with completing following.

· Topic

· Thesis statement/introduction

· Your 3 points about topic with 3 supporting Ideas each

· Conclusion

Note: Use resources are relevant, reliable and recent.
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