An automobile mirror shows an image of truck

An automobile mirror shows an image of truck

Subject: Physics    / General Physics
Q1) Describe the difference between a wave function and a wave equation. Clarify your statement by an example. Q2) If the net force on a system is zero, is the net torque also zero? If the net torque on a
system is zero, is the net force zero? Explain 1) To determine the diameter of a circular hoop, a student sets the hoop into small
oscillation in the plane of the hoop and about a point on its diameter half the radius below
its rim. See the figure below. She notices 3 cycles every two seconds. What is the diameter
of the hoop?

2) In the figure, a block of mass 7.0 kg on a tabletop is attached by strings to vertically hanging masses, 12 kg and10 kg, as shown. The strings are mass-­?less. The pulleys are frictionless solid cylinders, with masses of 1.5 kg each and radii of10 cm. There is no friction in the system. A) Draw the free-­?body diagrams for each mass. B) Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration. C) Find the tension in each segment of strings. Find the gravitational potential energy of a system consisting of a ring with the radius R
and mass M, and a point mass m at the center of the ring.
4) A satellite is 2000miles above the earth and has a circular orbit. What is the linear speed
of the satellite?
5) Find the moment of inertia of an equilateral triangle about an axis through one of its
vertices and perpendicular to the plane of the triangle.
6) In the figure below the mass of the cylinder is R. Its mass is M. the cylinder it attached
to a spring with the spring constant k by a yoke and axle. The cylinder rolls on the surface
without slipping. The cylinder is pulled a small distance A and released. What is the period
of oscillation?
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