Subject: Business / Management
Form a response to the following student’s initial post.

Your feedback must have substance. Give feedback to this student’s initial post. Your feedback can be in the form of a comment (or suggestion) about the content or format of their analyses. Good feedback also addresses the value and usefulness of specific comments, the appropriate application of concepts, suggestions, constructive comments, an analytical comparison with your own observations and experiences, an assessment of the outcome of specific recommendations, and so on. Minimum of 500 words or more.

Student’s Initial Post:

“Journal Article by Norris:

The articles discusses the different elements of people skills that leaders must consider to increase their overall effectiveness. The increased leadership effectiveness is what thoughtful leaders strive for as it leads to improved organizational performance and employee satisfaction. As the article breaks down different aspects of people skills, they all fall within the spectrum of emotional intelligence. Let us take a brief look at some of these elements and their impact.

First impression plays a significant role in our daily lives as a whole. Leaders use personal beliefs to confirm their first impressions while dealing with others in the organization. In organizations, inaccurate perceptions could lead to unfair assessments, flawed performance evaluations, and poor working relationships (Norris, 2009). Leaders should not restrict their perception based on first impressions and have an open mind to achieve greater success.

Social interactions skills are necessary to maximize productivity, especially because many organizations appear to be going through downsizing efforts. The leadership role entails building reciprocal relationship with others in the organization. The social relationship understandably produces positive or negative outcomes. A good leader must strive for a positive relationship as it increases physical and mental health of their team and stakeholders.

Another major area of focus for leadership effectiveness is nonverbal communication. It involves communicating using body language as well as facial expressions. The nonverbal communication reveals our thoughts and emotions otherwise not expressed explicitly. The role of non-verbal communication is substantial as people form perceptions not only based on verbal but also non-verbal communication signs. The article talks about universal facial expressions such as fear, anger, excitement etc. that express the underlying feeling of individuals.

Leader-employee relationship is invaluable to the success of an organization. The delegation and procedural justice behavior inspires positive outcomes whereas abusive supervision and monitoring behavior can affect the employee outcome negatively. When people spread negative emotions through their comments, the listeners unknowingly align themselves with such negativity. Leaders must also eliminate negative social perceptions and negative beliefs by exercising social intelligence in organization’s interest.

Social and emotional intelligence:

Yes, I do think that enhanced listening skills improve social and emotional intelligence. Social Neuroscience indicates the human brain is sociable and connects with brains of others in social interaction (Norris, 2009).

Enhanced listening allows us to make a human connection as it increases the self-esteem of the presenter. It allows us to promote an environment that reduces the emotional collusions. It helps us to understand the speaker and to build relationships as human beings. In order for leaders to recognize the signs of negativity or behaviors detrimental to organization’s success, they must rely on self-awareness and self-control.

Enhanced listening also requires us to pay attention to the emotional signs of the speaker such as frustration, anger, anxiety, excitement etc. It is through active or enhanced listening, we get a deep understanding of the mental state of a speaker about the subject. This understanding is vital to address the subject in an appropriate and effective manner. Simply hearing the words of a speaker is not sufficient as we often express our emotions in non-verbal methods.

Being an IT manager at my previous workplace, I would often meet with the Finance team to discuss their projects and objectives. It was important for me to be aware of the Finance team’s present challenges from a social and emotional intelligence perspective. It allowed me to see things from their perspective and be empathetic to their demands. Reading the emotional signs of the Finance team members helped me to appropriately address their message and meet their expectations. The social and emotional intelligence became of a paramount importance especially when we reached the year-end activities in the organization.

Ineffective or barely existent feedback:

Giving and receiving effective feedback is crucial for the success of a leader. Feedback is vital to any organization committed to improving itself, because it is the only way for manager and executives to know what needs to be improved (O’Rourke, 2013).

Ineffective or barely existent feedback shows contentment with the status quo. This type of behavior not only prevent improvement of the current processes, but it also reduces the chances of generating new ideas. Ineffective behavior eventually hurts the growth and profitability of the organization. It also diminishes the competitive advantage of the organization overtime because it provide an opportunity to the competitors to expand their market share. The underlying driver of social focused learning is the double looped learning process proposed by Argyris and Schon (1978), whereas feedback provides critical information to increase learning capacity (Norris, 2009).

The feedback deficiencies do encourage the development of attribution biases and stereotyping. From an attribution bias standpoint, team members might attribute the layoffs to the poor financial results of the organization. In reality, it could simply be a byproduct of a re-org effort. Effective feedback can help to clarify this attribution bias among employees. This example supports the attribution theory in the article, “another attribution theory is the fundamental attribution error whereas an individual targets personal attribution rather than the situational contextual factors that might influence the observed behavior (Norris, 2009)”.

From a stereotyping perspective, we often see a manager blaming the members of the “usual team” for a late delivery of a project in his/her feedback to upper management. Though the other team might be accountable to some extent, leaders must remember the guidelines for constructive feedback and should abstain from stereotyping and exaggeration. If employees under threat are highly engaged in their work, and they receive negative feedback that aligns with a relevant group stereotype, it could be much more damaging to their self-esteem than it would be for non-threatened employees (Casad & Bryant, 2016).

YouTube video:

One of the most remarkable presentations in the history of technology is Steve Jobs’ presentation about the launch of the first iPhone (Luciano, 2010).

With respect to spatial arrangement, the stage was elevated and far from the audience. This arrangement emphasized the one-way nature of the content delivery, from the speaker to the audience, where Steve Jobs was the only one doing the talking. The distant audience was only able to express their emotions by clapping or screaming in excitement. The spotlight also helped draw everyone’s attention to the stage and the overwhelmingly dark conference hall was a way to minimize distractions among audience. The dramatic music supplemented the excitement of the first ever iPhone launch.

Steve Jobs acknowledged the audience’s warm welcome to the stage by smiling back and waving his hand. He opened his presentation with a powerful attention getter, “we are going to make history today (Luciano, 2010)”.Steve Jobs chose to speak rather slowly and clearly, making it easy for the audience to follow and absorb his presentation. He paused on numerous occasions to give audience a chance to react and to be engaged in the presentation.

Steve jobs also made sure that he highlighted the need for change as well as the benefits of iPhone to the consumers. He repeated that the revolutionary iPhone was going to serve the function of three devices (an iPod, a phone and an internet communicator). Even though he displayed the visuals on a big screen, he made a conscious effort to make frequent eye contact with the audience. His non-verbal communication complimented his verbal communication brilliantly and it is no secret that Steve Jobs’ iPhone presentation was a huge game-changer in the history of digital world.”


Casad, B. J., & Bryant, W. J. (2016). Addressing Stereotype Threat is Critical to Diversity and Inclusion in Organizational Psychology.Frontiers in Psychology,7, 8.

Luciano, J. (2010). Steve Jobs introducing the first iPhone (MacWorld 2007). Retrieved Apr 13, 2017 from

Norris, E. A. (2009). Leadership: Cultivating people skills. Review of Business Research, 9, (4), 67-83. The article is posted on Moodle below the Chatting Lounge.

O’Rourke, J. S. (2013). Management communication: a case-analysis approach (5th ed.). Boston: Prentice Hall.
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