Appendix problem 1

Appendix problem 1

2.	Appendix problem 1: Delete “Eliminating the data for 2000.” You need to calculate the moving average forecasts and RMSEs for year 2000, not the whole data period.

Salvaator's chapter 6 appendix problem 3 (p.257)					
Time	CPI	forecast(w=0.3)	(A-F)^2	forecastt(w=0.7)	(A-F)^2
Jan-98	161.0	166.63		166.63	
Feb-98	161.1	164.94			
Mar-98	161.4	163.79			
Apr-98	161.8	163.07			
May-98	162.3	162.69			
Jun-98	162.2	162.57			
Jul-98	162.1	162.46			
Aug-98	162.6	162.35			
Sep-98	162.6	162.43			
Oct-98	163.2	162.48			
Nov-98	163.4	162.70			
Dec-98	163.5	162.91			
Jan-99	164.2	163.08			
Feb-99	164.6	163.42			
Mar-99	165.0	163.77			
Apr-99	166.6	164.14			
May-99	166.2	164.88			
Jun-99	165.4	165.28			
Jul-99	165.8	165.31			
Aug-99	166.3	165.46			
Sep-99	167.2	165.71			
Oct-99	167.2	166.16			
Nov-99	167.1	166.47			
Dec-99	167.3	166.66			
Jan-00	167.9	166.85	1.10		
Feb-00	169.3	167.17	4.55		
Mar-00	170.7	167.81	8.37		
Apr-00	170.6	168.67	3.71		
May-00	171.1	169.25	3.41		
Jun-00	171.0	169.81	1.42		
Jul-00	171.7	170.16	2.36		
Aug-00	172.2	170.63	2.48		
Sep-00	173.3	171.10	4.85		
Oct-00	173.8	171.76	4.17		
Nov-00	173.5	172.37	1.28		
Dec-00	173.5	172.71	0.62		
		MSE	3.19		
		RMSE	1.79