A 40-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Stage II

A 40-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Stage II

A 40-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Stage II

Subject: Health Care / General Health Care

Scenario: A 40-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer and had a right side mastectomy this morning and is grieving the loss of her femininity. She has a 13-year-old daughter who becomes over involved in her school activities and wants to get all A’s on her next report card, a 12-year-old son who refuses to talk about his mother’s condition and a husband who starts attending daily religious offerings.

Create a discussion post using the information in the scenario and the information that was read in the assignments, apply it to the scenario, and identify:

Name and explain which defense mechanism each of the four (4) family members using to deal with the stress the family is facing?
Include information about each family member’s stage of growth and development when formulating your responses: How does the RN determine if the defense mechanisms are helpful or harmful.
Using nursing judgment develop a 3 part nursing diagnosis statement for each family member which includes one NANDA-I diagnosis, an etiology and the defining characteristics (nursing diagnosis + related to + as evidence by).
Identify the data cluster (grouping of significant data that points to the existence of a patient health problem) used to select the nursing diagnosis.
One (1) assessment to validate each the nursing diagnosis
One (1) outcome statement for each (realistic, measureable and contains a time frame).
Suggest four (4) active, single and discreet interventions, one (1) for each family member, to aid in their adaptation to the situation. Provide an evidence based rationale to support each intervention.
Identify how you would communicate this information to the health care team to coordinate care.
In your responses to your peers’ posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree.

Consult theDiscussion Posting Guidefor information about writing your discussion posts. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it. When you are ready to post, click on the “Create Thread” button for a new thread or “Reply” to respond to a previous post. Then, copy/paste the text from your document into the message field, and click “Submit.”

You are required to post your initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59 PM (EST) of the week it is due. Your initial post cannot be a response to another student’s post. Students who do not submit their response to the discussion questions as noted above will have 10 points deducted from their discussion question grade for that week.

When you’re ready to make your initial posting, please click on the “Create Thread” button and copy/paste the text from your document into the message field. Prior to submitting any post to a discussion, please confirm there is text in the body of the post. The initial post is the first post made whether or not it contains any content. A blank initial post will be graded zero points by the instructor.

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