Speech communication.

Speech communication.





Speech communication.In its use to communicate, electronic media has many negative effects which hinder its effectiveness. The ability to communicate gestures and tones, along with more subtle body language such as eye movements renders this form of communication useless in times when all contact is needed. This often leads to various feelings, some of which are depersonalization and isolation among its users as outlined by Sproul & Keisler (1502). With regard to these inefficiencies, many instances might necessitate use of other types of communication, in order to ensure a complete communication process is achieved.

This effect or influence of electronic media on communication has a largely negative impact on the process. The inability to communicate fully might lead to total lack of, or partial comprehension. It might also reduce the effectiveness of feedback as gestures and body language form a large part of this, as well as being inappropriate for some circumstances. Formal communication for example, can be seriously affected by electronic media. As much as it forms a large part of this type of communication, its effects could negate any benefits especially if social media habits and traits are assimilated. In light of this, Lengel & Daft (199) suggested avoiding this type of media for certain types of communication.

Research as recent as 2010’s, points to frequent use of computing devices and internet as debilitating on the human brain’s functions. The ability of the human brain to focus on a particular task is greatly undermined by the deluge of information we get from all these computing and communication devices especially when coupled with the internet. All these information has been demonstrated to invoke the brain’s centers responsible for responding to threats and opportunities hence sudden bursts of anxiety. Anxiety triggers the release of the hormone dopamine in the brain, without which we just feel bored.

As demonstrated by numerous researchers from the universities of Utah, California both in Irvine and San Diego report that the effects of computer use and the internet are mostly negative. These range from increased stress due to too much information to process, to less social development due to a total dependence on electronic rather than social interactive method. In some cases, an addiction has been shown to be present in heavy users of these technologies especially if they form part of whole livelihood making structures. This was shown to result in increased aggression and venting out on close family and/or friends.

However many the negatives are, the benefits of computers and internet use combined far outnumber them. From medical imaging to entertainment and defense, these benefits clearly demonstrate innovations here to stay. Its positive impacts on the brain being; increased reaction and multiple processing capacities, as demonstrated by game players have been extensively studied. Eyal Ophir, a Stanford researcher showed how all these increases in information and load has lead to tiny adaptations in certain human brains to help them better filter out distractions and juggle problems. This demonstrated the human brain’s ability to rewire itself and attend to changes in its environment, something previously thought nonexistent. All these research is convincing that computers have a profound impact on us in both a negative and positive manner.

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