I tried this experiment but the directions were…

I tried this experiment but the directions were…

I tried this experiment but the directions were confusing and I think I applied the wrong amount of solution to my dialysis bag and therefore my results are all crazy. I know that one bag should have lost water, the one that was in the 30% sucose solution and bags 1 through 3 were placed in the 3% sucrose solution but nothing really happened and now I don't how to fill out this four question report and I have no more solution left. Can you help answer these questions. I'm pretty sure based on the percentage you can surmise what the results should be, I on the other hand have no clue. Thanks. I've attached the sheet. I just need answers for Experiment 2 I did all of experiment 1. I just need answers for the table 2 water movement and questions 1-4. Thanks.

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UMUC Biology 102/103
Lab 3: Cell Structure and Function
On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 3 Answer Form

electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed on your
Course Schedule (under Syllabus).
To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual that is
available in the WebTycho classroom (Reserved Reading or provided by your instructor)
or at the eScience Labs Student Portal. Laboratory exercises on your CD may not be
Save your Lab3AnswerForm in the following format: LastName_Lab3 (e.g.,
You should submit your document in a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format
(.rtf) for best compatibility.

Experiment 1: Labeling (consult the Lab 3 Introduction for more details)

Bacteria: Nucleoid region, cell wall, plasma membrane, ribosomes, flagella

Protist: Macronucleus, micronucleus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, contractile vacuole

Plant Cell: Nucleus, cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, chloroplast, mitochondria,

Animal Cell: Nucleus, nucleolus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, golgi apparatus,
rough ER, ribosome


1. For each structure identified, do you think its location affects its ability to function? Why or why
not? (Hint: those buried deep in the cell probably do different things than those closer to the cell

2. Draw a labeled diagram of a small section of the plasma membrane and briefly describe its
structure and function.

3. Describe the differences between animal and plant cells.

4. Which of the following structures are present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

5. Where is genetic material found in plant cells?

6. Mitochondria are the only organelles that contain their own DNA (circular) and have a double

membrane. Why do you think this might be so?

Hint 1: Where else do we see circular DNA?)

Hint 2: What do you know about the relative age of eukaryotic cells?)

7. How is the structure of the plant’s cellulose-based cell wall related to its function?

8. Defects in structures of the cell can lead to many diseases. Pick one structure of a eukaryotic
cell and develop a hypothesis as to what you think the implications would be if that structure did
not function properly.

9. Using books, articles, the internet, etc. conduct research to determine if your hypothesis was

Experiment 2: Directions and Concentration Gradients

Table 2: Water Movement
Initial Volume
Bag #1 10 mL

Sucrose %

Prediction: Will water
move in or out?

Final Volume

Bag #2 10 mL
Bag #3 10 mL
Bag #4 10 mL

1. For each of the bags, identify whether the solution inside was hypertonic, hypotonic or

isotonic in comparison to the beaker solution it was placed in.
2. Which bag increased the most in volume? Why?
3. What does this tell you about the relative tonicity between the contents of the bag and the
solution in the beaker?
4. What would happen if bag 1 is placed in a beaker of distilled water?