Definition of the two terms may be some-what problematic

Definition of the two terms may be some-what problematic


Definition of the two terms may be some-what problematic. It’s because there are some rules in the society which exist on the natural level. Whereas any of the given society has to have few sense of the societal ethic that even in absence of the formal law, could prohibit some behaviour. Consequence of this is that mostly, things the society considers for being mala in se are universal mala prohibita. On the other side, there are lot of acts which are mala prohibita that many, if not the all, citizens could consider for being acceptable that is mala prohibita only (Substantive Criminal Law: Principles and working Vocabulary). What may confuse this issue is a fact which violating any of the law is mala in se. The act promotes anarchy & undermines ability of a state for enforcing any of the laws. For objective of this discussion, though, two terms are used for classifying victimless crimes like mala prohibita versus the crimes which present the clear & quick danger to individual or to survival of the society.

    The natural crimes need that the judgment be made on basic of the morality & people don’t agree always with the moral & immoral. For instance courts have the young man charge with the statutory rape but girl consents for having intercourse & she isn’t of the age, and she has intercourse with young man on her free will, not being coerced; threaten in any of the kind of the way & knowing she was under-age. Law will yet charge young man with the statutory rape because young girl was under-age. And if she was of the age here’s no longer will this be the criminal act. It shows why these concepts not easy for applying effectively and evenly. Main crime Index is the murder and rape, homicide, aggravated assault, robbery, larceny, burglary & auto theft.

Comparing and Contrasting Natural and Legal Crime

The two kinds of the crime natural & legal are easily compared. In the legal terms natural crime is called as mala in se which wrong in & of itself, on the other hand legal crimes may be whether mala in se or mala prohibita which is wrong because this isn’t allowed by the law. The natural & legal crime may overlap in some cases. In reality, many natural crimes are mala prohibita, and which are mala prohibita that aren’t required mala in se. The natural crime is the act in which ethics of the society finds the specific action for being offensive. This type of the crime is associated with the malum in se, the term which signifies the crime which is considered wrong in & of it (Criminal Law). The legal crime is the act which violates the criminal law, the man-made law & forced by state. The legal crime is associated with the malum prohibitum, the term applied to any of the action has criminalized strictly by the statue & statutory law.

The list of major crime used by FBI in its crime index

In 2000 many of the public image of crime problem is stirred by media through celebrated cases as well as the vehicles like as the ten most wanted fugitives list of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In the year 1950 the news reporter asked FBI for ten worst tough guys which they were hunting. Resulting publicity was too good that list became the official FBI program. This satisfied the hunger of public for details about the notorious criminal & served as the means of exposing the fugitives & encouraging the citizen participation. FBI claims that 134 ten most wanted fugitives have been apprehended as the result of the citizen recognition. May be most memorable case was arrest of the bank robber Willie Sutton when the clothing salesman recognized him on New York City subway. After the story of citizen was run in New York Times, the mobster Albert Anastasia had a salesman killed. List has reflected well the social climate of different American times. 1950s list consisted of bank burglars, robbers & car thieves during the year 1960s version featured revolutionary & radical. The year 1970s list featured organized the criminals & terrorists and this emphasis continues, the serial murderer & drug related offender abound in the later list.

The current ten most wanted fugitives list

Osama bin Laden: The international terrorist

Diego Montoya Sanchez: money laundering, cocaine trafficking & the Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations charges

James Bulger: the Boston organized crime figure who is wanted for the extortion & RICO charges

Victor Manuel Gerena: The bank robber who robbed the security company, netting dollar 7 million

Glen Stewart Godwin: the murderer & escaped prisoner

Robert William Fisher: Allegedly killed his wife & 2 young kids & then blew up house in which they lived

Richard S. Goldberg: Sexual exploitation of kids

Donald Eugene Webb: Murder of the Pennsylvania police chief

Jorge Albert Lopez Orozco: Murdered 3 people & is wanted for the un-lawful flight

Michael Astorga: Wanted for 2 murders including of the deputy of sheriff

The list doesn’t feature any women they have been on list in past, beginning with the Ruth

Eisemann-Schier to kidnap & extortion in the year 1968 Inclusion of the antiwar activists like as Angela Davis & Bernardine Dohrn was greeted with the public scorn engendered after growing the dis-enchantment with Vietnam War.

The crimes considered Mala in se or Mala prohibita

Mala in se – Any hurtful act against the other breathing creature or the property, including burglary, fraud, robbery, murder, animal abuse, assault, rape, battery, kidnaps.Rationale: Golden Rule- Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

Mala prohibita – Only about all the city ordinances, particularly parking violation, picking up after our dog violation, weed the lawn kind violations, the junk cars in front yard violation and so many.Rationale: They are not hurting anybody & they are mainly only the other form of the taxation.


From the two kinds of crimes, out of which is natural crimes is called for being the part of mala in se offenses that is act that the person must understand what is wrong & must not take these actions. Mala in se offenses are always felonies and the much violent crimes. According to FBI in Uniform Crime Report murder or the assault, homicide, rape, aggravated assault & robbery are all the violent crimes. The legal crimes are associated with the mala prohibita has considered for being wrong just because there is the law prohibiting this. Mala prohibita offenses consist of the misdemeanours and felonies that include curfew violations, counterfeiting, juveniles, driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, drug abuse drunkenness, violations, embezzlement, fraud, forgery, larceny, auto theft, robbery and burglary (Criminal Law Principles: Legality Principles).     


Criminal Law. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13th, 2011, from

Criminal Law Principles: Legality Principles. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13th, 2011, from

Substantive Criminal Law: Principles and working Vocabulary. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13th, 2011, from

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