C Programming

C Programming

C Programming
Assignment Specification For your first stage you are required to design and develop a UNIX file sharing system. For this task you will be required to develop a simple application in C programming language. The application should include the following components: ? a database file, which stores information concerning a specified set of files contained in a given directory, such as your private working directory (pwd). ? A file monitor component of the application will use this database to verify that the files have not been changed by other users since the last check, ? An alert component which will display if the details of a monitored file have changed since the last check. Assignment Task Your assignment is organised into two parts: Stage 1 In order to guide you through the design and implementation of the required application, perform the following steps including: 1.Write a password protected console-based application, which enables you to create user accounts and specify the name of the file or directory to be shared with other users. 2.Write a simple console-based (ie text-based) menu system to enable the users to select from a set of functions provided by your system including: a. Create a new user b. Create a database file, where the implementation requirements for this are defined in bullet point 3 (below). c. Exit the program 3.Write a function that enables you to create a struct data structure for each file contained in your shared directory. Where each file signature record is stored in a struct of the following form: struct FileSig { char name[256]; // File or directory name int mode; // protection and file type int user_id; // User ID of owner int group_id; // Group ID of owner int size; // file size in bytes char time_last_mod[50]; // modify time as a string }; 4. Add to your main() function relevant statement(s) to create an instance of the FileSig struct called fileSig. Also use in your main function relevant...