Assignment two

Assignment two

Assignment two
ASSIGNMENT TWO 15 marks Due Friday 2/11/2012 at 5pm available since 27/09/12, last updated 27/09/12 You have by now already completed Assignment-1 which, together with practical exercises, has prepared you for writing simple programs individually involving selections, nested loops, function calling, and basic IO manipulations. This assignment 2 aims to assemble all those basic skills you acquired through previous teaching and learning activities, along with the additional knowledge on the use of arrays and structures to be learnt during the second half of the semester, to create a concerted piece of computer program. ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION You are required to design a program bookRecord.cpp that will be used to keep track of books in a book store. This program will be menu driven, and the user should be able to interactively enter and process on books’ records. More specifically, the program should perform book record searching; list all books, books of a certain category or books in a certain price range, and update/add/delete a book’s record. As the outputs of above processes, the books’ records should be displayed with all the details including call number (callNum), title, price, and number of copies (copyNum), among which the callNum, besides indicating a book’s category, should be unique and be used to determine a book record in the developed program. The following list of specific requirements is roughly in the order of complexity, with the later items being more challenging in general. It is anticipated that one has to have a solid work for items 1-4 of Part I in order to achieve a pass grade for this assignment. Part II is what a student should be able to do well if he or she aims to achieve a credit or above, while Part III is for those who aim at a distinction or higher grade for this assignment. For simplicity, we always assume that the..